
Contact Email Delivery

  • Scott

    Scott - 2004-04-16

    I have 20040309 set up on Solaris9, with PHP 4.3.3 and mySQL 3.23.53.  I have no problem sending mail to the supporter when a ticket is created or assigned.  However, no email is ever sent when I add text in the "Email Contact" text area and select "Update Ticket".  What could be at the root of this.  I am stumped.

    Thanks in advance,


    • Luis Bernardo

      Luis Bernardo - 2004-04-18

      it's a bug! add the following line to the top of editticket.php:

      $email_msg = $_POST['email_msg'];

      if you still have problems let me know.

    • Michael Overholser

      when i do this, i get the email, but there is no body!


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