
Background Color

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I hate even asking such a dumb sounding question, but dang if I've been able to figure it out.
    Using MyHeadlines 4.3.7 ported for php-Nuke
    How can I change the background color for the whole module? It's default is transparent and my page background makes it hard to read the text.
    I've tried for hours so I won't bog with what I've tried- just let me know what is the correct way to do this using the GUI or where is it in the code.

    • Mike Agar

      Mike Agar - 2008-06-12

      Add this line to the top of the template variables "dispDashboardAdmin" and "dispDashboardUser"  (found in Administration->Configure->Templates)

      <style type="text/css"> td {background: #ffffff;}</style>

      You may of course, change the hex "#ffffff" to the color of your site.

    • Mike Agar

      Mike Agar - 2008-06-12

      You may also chose to add a "bgcolor=#fffff" to the first table tag in each of those variables instead.  The stand alone config requires the style change, but the Nuke module may be better implementd with a table background color.

    • Austin

      Austin - 2008-06-12

      Thanks very much for the quick response.
      It seems that my problem had a bit more to it. I'll post my full results so anyone else having this issue might be helped. It was a simple thing, but I was so tired last night when I was working on this I overlooked it.
      After reading your answers I knew that I was trying the right method, so what was wrong?
      In the file "siteroot"/config.php is an array called $AllowableHTML. It's a censor list of allowed html in forms on your site. I had entered bgcolor=>2 and figured that would allow what I needed. For a reason I'm not sure, it didn't work.
      When looking at the templates in the Myheadlines module I was looking at the WYSIWYG editor- not the raw html. Even tho the editor has an HTML button to open a new window containing html, it was getting parsed out when I tried to save my changes (this is where I thought the $AllowableHTML change would work but it didn't).
      I’m thinking it might have something to do with BBCode module, but I’m not sure. Too busy to dig into that one atm.
      What did work and did not occur to me last night was the fact that I could turn off the WYSIWYG editor completely. It is also in “siteroot”/config.php, $nuke_editor=0. Now my changes don't get parsed and I got the results I needed. This scenario is something that might be good to add to a help file. :)
      Hope this helps others,


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