
works nice!

  • cellstorm

    cellstorm - 2008-10-16

    some infos, though

    does not work with blender (this app uses opengl for all of its graphics). once you do a gesture in blender window, it freezes.

    the gestures are nice, but one has to make quite long strokes. shorter strokes are not (always) recognized.

    a graphical inidcator with integrated ability to disable mygestures temporalily (or instead a possibility of assigning a global keyboard shortcut to do that) would be nice.

    I designed some more thingies:

    MOVEMENT    DownRight    DR
    MOVEMENT    UpRight        UR
    MOVEMENT    DownLeft            DL
    MOVEMENT    RightDown    RD
    MOVEMENT    RightUp        RU
    MOVEMENT    LeftDown            LD
    MOVEMENT    LeftUp        LU
    MOVEMENT    LeftRight            LR
    MOVEMENT    RightLeft            RL

    Window Class : XTerm
    Window Title : mygestures
           Move A: RU
           Move B: RU
           Match :

    Window Class : XTerm
    Window Title : mygestures
           Move A: LU
           Move B: LU
           Match :

    these two get recognized, but no matter what I assign to them
    LeftUp        root_send    Control_L+W

    - it does not get executed.

    Window Class : Gedit
    Window Title : gestures (/etc) - gedit
           Move A: UR
           Move B: UR
           Match : Fuzzy_Up/

    Window Class : Gedit
    Window Title : gestures (/etc) - gedit
           Move A: UL
           Move B: UL
           Match : Fuzzy_Up\

    these are alway recognized as fuzzy.

    greets, cellstorm

    • Lucas Deters

      Lucas Deters - 2008-10-16

      Thank you by the reply.

      I will work on this issues as soon as possible (blender, short strokes, some applications with gestures not being recognized, and a shortcut to disable mygestures)

      Other people want to disable mygestures on some applications. This is more hard than most people think, but I'm working on that also.



  • Lucas Deters

    Lucas Deters - 2010-03-28

    A new version was uploaded, and I hope it will fix the bug with blender and some applications with gestures not being recognized.

    I expect to fix more some things in the next weeks. Now I have some more time and some more experience to try fixing some bugs and clearing the code.



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