
MyPBS / News: Recent posts

MyPBS 0.8.4 Released

MyPBS version 0.8.4 has been released. It contains several small features and bug fixes.

What's new with this release?
* Batch user creation now works
* Update checker updated, now uses XML-RPC
* Ability to disable update checker using the admin settings
* Project Member update page formatting improved
* Changed file structure to a main page instead of separate include files for each page.
* Replaced JavaScript redirection on login with an improved redirection... read more

Posted by kaddar 2006-04-07

Online MyPBS Demo is Now Available

We have created a demo page for MyPBS. The database cannot be changed, but the admin page is available to view to see what features MyPBS contains.

Here is a link:

We have been updating the CVS, and there should be a full release soon. The login page redirection has been improved to not reload the entire index.php before redirecting.

Posted by kaddar 2006-03-29

MyPBS 0.8.1

A test version dubbed MyPBS 0.8.1 has been committed to the cvs. It includes changes to the frontend website. Batch user creation now works as intended. The update checker has been updated to use XML-RPC standards, the project member update formatting has been improved in readability, among other changes.

Check it out and give us some feedback in the forums.

Posted by kaddar 2006-03-16

Development Process

Well I have to say the development process is interesting. Where we work people have different jobs and projects they are working on. MyPBS isn't mission critical to our facility so when something more important comes along all attention is turned to that. That means certain parts of MyPBS got delayed due to busy individuals. I know I promised a release back in June but now it's looking like we will have it shortly.... read more

Posted by Christopher Vaughan 2005-09-26

MyPBS Future Development

We have decided that the database needs a re-design and that a GMail like interface for MyPBS would improve its performance. With the database re-design it will inherently affect the SQL code to the web front end and back end. This will require sometime to re-tool but make future development of MyPBS much easier. This will delay development slightly but these changes are necessary. If there are any questions or features that you would like to see in MyPBS don't hesitate to ask using Source Forges tools. Expect a release with the database changes and the gmail like interface around the end of summer.

Posted by Christopher Vaughan 2005-06-20

Release in the next 2 weeks.

I've just completed the reports part of MyPBS which will generate pdf and csv documents to assist with billing. Justin and Glen have also completed a command line interface for MyPBS that looks up projects and reservations. Once we have fully tested MyPBS for "major bugs" and created some migration tools for the database we will provide downloads. If you can't wait the current "unstable" version can be checked out of cvs. It does not include the revisions we have made to the database.

Posted by Christopher Vaughan 2005-06-20


We've been working on lots of new features. We still have a bit of debugging to do, and some featueres that we still need to finish up, but when we are done this will be a very exciting release! Not only are we going to release lots of new functionality and bug fixes, we are eliminating the need for the command wrappers! We aren't going to rush this release - we are adding a lot of stuff so we need to make sure it is well tested. Be sure to keep an eye on our website to track our progress.

Posted by Glen Beane 2005-04-22

Working on release

We have been working on a few new features that are close to being completed. We will have pdf/csv report generation and we are also working on a "more interesting" welcome page that will summarize the users active projects, su's, walltime and more. There will be a testing period before this new release is available as always we are constantly checking in the new features to CVS.

Posted by Christopher Vaughan 2005-03-25


The my-pbs team is about to begin work on some great new features. We are going to begin implenting our report generation module. This module will eventually be able to generate reports in a variety of formats, including pdf and comma delimited spread sheet.

We are also looking into adding the tracking of avg queue time, avg run time, etc.

Posted by Glen Beane 2004-12-05

MyPBS-0.6.0 released

This release includes lots of fixes, multi-cluster support, a refund-request mechanism, and more!

Posted by Glen Beane 2004-09-01

Upcoming MyPBS Release

We are close to releasing a new version of MyPBS. This release includes many bug fixes, plus several new features! Keep an eye out for the official anouncement for details on the new functionality.

Posted by Glen Beane 2004-08-20

Unavailable for a couple of weeks

Hiya my-pbs users...

We're going to be unavailable for bug fixes and software releases for a few weeks as we're in-process of building our new supercomputer.

You can follow the progress at our regular website at

Expect us to be up and running again about the first or second week of August.


Posted by Eric Wages 2004-07-16

Bug Squashing

We've been fixing a few bugs (mostly the case of a in-development file being released rather than a working copy), and these should be in CVS and a new beta release shortly. We are looking forward to implementing some new features (multi-cluster support is on the way, and I'd like to get working on PDF report generation), but we recently began receiving our 259 G5 xserves for our new cluster! See for more information!

Posted by Glen Beane 2004-07-13

MyPBS-0.5.1 Released

MyPBS-0.5.1 Features several bug-fixes to MyPBS-0.5

MyPBS-0.5 installations can upgrade to 0.5.1 by downloading three files from the Patches section for the MyPBS project on sourceforge.

Posted by Glen Beane 2004-06-25

MyPBS Beta release!

We have released a MyPBS beta release tarball. Doccumentation (pdf and txt) has been submitted and is awaiting approval from sourceforge, but in the meantime all doccumentation is available in the CVS repository and in the beta release tarball.

Posted by Glen Beane 2004-06-24

MyPBS released on CVS

MyPBS has been released on CVS. A full documentation set will be released with tar'ed versions of MyPBS soon.

Posted by Christopher Vaughan 2004-06-23

Installation Bugs Fixed

We just fixed the installation bugs. Right now we are in the process of documentation and preperation to release.

Posted by Christopher Vaughan 2004-06-09

Installation Bugs Update

Right now we are working out the installation process and encountering a few bugs that need to be worked out. We expect the first beta release to be released Friday, June 11th.

Posted by Christopher Vaughan 2004-06-04


We finally got our project setup with SourceForge. Thanks, SourceForge! We'll be getting files, documentation, and examples up here ASAP.

Posted by Eric Wages 2004-02-26