
MXRGLSTART - replacing with windows timer.

  • William

    William - 2005-02-17

    Hi guys,
    At the moment Im developing an application for localisation of an indoor helicopter using computer vision. Ive written an application using the ARToolkit but I stumbled across this kit and am keen to implement it.

    Im developing an MFC application and one of the things I would really like to get rid of is the requirement for using glutmainloop(). With ARToolkit you couldnt get around it without rewriting the gsub.lib and i couldnt get it to work in the end.

    Im wondering, in your implementation is the glutmainloop just used basically as a timer to wake up the process periodically (ie. roughly in sync with the frame rate) do the processing and shutdown, or are you using the idle callbacks and doing things outside what is in the "main" procedure?

    Basically Im asking about the feasibility of just creating a MFC timer in a seperate thread and using it to periodically call a "main" method to handle the rest.

    What do you think? feasible or would it require rewriting the mxr libraries as well?

    • Duy Nguyen

      Duy Nguyen - 2005-02-17

      Hi william,

      We have included an example of using MXRToolkit with MFC. It's winOGL project, which doesn't use glutmainloop(). You can have a look at this first. Basically, we handled the Windows event WM_PAINT (in CWinOGLView::OnPaint()) and placed capturing and processing there.

      Basing on this, I think your idea is feasible.


    • yuzairee

      yuzairee - 2005-02-27

      Hi William,

      I have tried this kit with MFC SDI & MDI with OpenGL  implementation. I started using OpenGL MFC base code so that I  have  the OpenGL context ready for rendering. All that is needed  to do next is to  plant the MXR library into it.



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