geekyfroggy - 2006-03-09

I have been observing the MXRToolkit development ever since it was launced on the sourceforge. To date, unfortunately, the progress has been very disappointing.

Firstly, I obtained reliable source from several ex-lab members that the whole MXRToolkit was written by someone else who is not even mentioned in the documentation or given any due credits. None of the project admins here are the true MXRToolkit creators.

Secondly,it is obvious the reason for releasing this MXRToolkit to the public is that the remaining members do not know how to proceed to fix the remaining bugs, features and god-knows-what left behind by the creator. Despite the selfish intent, I understand that it still benefit many people who are interested in Mixed Reality Technology in many ways.

Nonetheless, everytime a question pops up, or suggestion, I notice the so called "creators" (two persons in particular) always bounced the question back to the inquirer with these sort of answers (extracted from forum threads)

1. We also would like to port onto OSX, but we are hoping people could join the devlopment team on Sourceforge as developers for this task.

2. Hi, it is a good suggestion. Unfortunately now we haven't implemented mainly because of the heavy work load in our lab. But for sure we will consider it seriously and everybody is welcome to help us to realize it.

3. Hi, it is a good suggestion. We did consider that and in fact we have some sample code running on Linux.  But unfortunately now we haven't implemented it in this toolkit. But for sure we will consider it seriously and everybody is welcome to help us to realize it.

4. Thanks for your helpful comment. We are planning to make a HTML version of the document which will have an index. Please wait a little while and sorry for the trouble.

5. Unfortunately currently we haven't started, however, we are hoping to develop with others in community ON other OS version.

Well true, the aim of the sourceforge is to create a open community where everyone contributes. But from what I seen, since the MXRToolkit was launched more than 1 year ago, there was only 1 update release from version 1.0 to 1.1 (fixing only a handful of obvious bugs). That's quite pathetic.

Moreover, I do not see how the community can help to enhance the library? There does not seem to be any channel presents for it.

I bet they dun even use (or know about) CVS.

Frankly speaking, throughout these 1 year, I have already rewrote the whole MXRToolkit codes. Apart from rearranging the messy files setup, I have also discover a few serious bug that have not been addressed since day 1.  If I alone can do this despite my workload, I wonder what the rest of these MXRToolkit creators have been doing?

I would really love to share this with everyone here. Maybe I will open up another MXRToolkit sourceforge and honor the ones who have truly contributed to it.

God Bless.