John Schamus - 2014-09-04

It's finally final!!

In this release:

  • The Linux project now has the same configuration options as the Windows solution. Read the Installation Notes.txt file in the MXLib folder to see how this all works.

There will be a quick turnaround for the next release (approx. on 10/01/14). There will be little additional functionality in the next release, but what is planned (in order of importance) is:

  • Batch/Bash installation for the different configurations.
  • NVidia Jetson TK1 development board support!!!
  • MXLib will be changed over to build libraries instead of just using header files.

Please let me know if you have any problems, especially with installation/getting started. I've squashed all the bugs I can find, but it's not perfect (what code is?).

Have a lot of fun!!