
Restore original files - How to?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-10

    Hi Friends,

    Say for example if I decided to remove the mxhero from path for some time and wanted zimbra to process the mail just like the zimbra fresh installation where no other components are integrated in between. Does any one know the procedure? I have tried below stuff to revert the settings but unable to.

    1] Stop mysqld services
    2] Stop mxhero services
    3] stop tomcat6 services
    4 ]Restrore the and files from backup
    5] Enable AS/AV on zimbra

    But still no luck :(

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-10

    In short how do I un install entire mxhero and go back to zimbra? Any clue?

  • Marcelo Angel Marmol

    Hi, Bruno who is the right person to answer this is not current at the office, but he will probably provide an answer until tomorrow.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-10

    Thanks mmarmol, I am desperately looking for an answer as I should be aware if something goes wrong while deploying mxHero on zimbra server itself I can roll back to previous config and let zimbra the stuff

    BTW I must admit you guys really ROCK!! mxHero is an real awesome thing

  • Bruno Santos

    Bruno Santos - 2012-04-10

    To avoid processing messages by mxHero you just need to restore your old
    On there is a line that force e-mails to be processed through mxHero service. It just need to be cleaned to not use that.
    Later you can remove all associated files and packages.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-11

    which specific line you are talking about? I mean I laready tried replacing the file but in vain since gets rewritten upon every zimbra service restart by

    hence looking for a concrete way to uninstall way. I tired restorign even,, but in vain.

    Did you try that?

  • Alexis Panagides


    Check the incomplete documentation page for Manual Installation.

    Find the part about Postfix and do the opposite, especially the part about the "smtp inet" line. Comment or remove the lines added by mxHero and get back to the original:

    smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd

    In the case of Zimbra you'll need to make these changes to the, /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/ file which is the template for after each restart.

    That is pretty much all that needs to be done to take mxHero out of the email processing queue.

    Once we get your problem solved we'll add an uninstall section in the documentation.


  • Marcelo Angel Marmol

    This line:
    smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
                  -o smtpd_proxy_filter=

    should be replaced for
    smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd

    You could keep this one here so mxHero can deliver the last trapped emails and them shout it down and remove this line to. inet     n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
                  -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=
                  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
                  -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
                  -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
                  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
                  -o smtpd_data_restrictions=
                  -o mynetworks=
                  -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks

    Also take in mind to restart postfix after each change in the file

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-11

    OK - Let me try doing that. Honestly that would be an great idea if you guys manage to put the dedicated section for Unistall or something along with what exact changes does mxhero make in zimbra original configuration apart from that one line.

    Does it make any other change in LDAP DB or something?

  • Marcelo Angel Marmol

    Checking the manual install section I found something about sql scripts been run by postfix

    It might be also necessary to remove anything related to that:

    If you are setting up mxHero as a relay host to another server - as opposed to being directly installed on your postfix mail server, be sure to alter the

    Alter or add "relay_domains" and "transport_maps" in if you are preparing an mxHero appliance:

    relay_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/mxhero/domains.sql
    transport_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mxhero/transports.sql
    Copy the files domains.sql and transports.sql to the path set in your relay_domains and transport_maps values. Ex.

    cp $installer_path/conf/postfix/domains.sql /etc/postfix/mxhero
    cp $installer_path/conf/postfix/transports.sql /etc/postfix/mxhero
    this will ensure that mxHero relays domains that have been configured in mxHero.

  • Alexis Panagides

    The sql scripts are relevant if you installed mxHero as an appliance. But if you integrated mxHero with your Zimbra installation, these should not have been done.

    Regarding uninstall, yes, it is in the pipeline. In fact the Installer script already has the method calls, we just need to implement them.

    We are strong believers in easy entry, easy exit.

    By the way, I'd be interested in your opinion of mxHero. What you liked, disliked etc. We really want to make mxHero as great as possible.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-11

    YEAHHH..Looks like the issue is resolved. Though let me siumulate the entire scenario again and confirm before you guys put that on portal as an official Uninstallation method

    This is what I have done

    Platform -CentsOS 6.2
    Stop spamd
    Stop clamd
    stop mysqld
    stop mxhero
    stop tomcat6

    Edit the file with those appropriate changes

    zmcontrol restart

    I am at this moment replicating the entire scenario.

  • Marcelo Angel Marmol

    It will be best if nxhero is stopped after postfix changes and restart. Doing that mxhero has time to end anything in his queue.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-11

    does that mean zimbra should be stopped then do the changes and then stop mxhero?
    later start zimbra?

    1. zmcontrol stop
    2. Make the appropriate changes in
    3. stop mxhero
    4. start zimbra

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-11

    Yes confirm the roll back that way is pretty much possible not the exact uninstallation I would say but remove mxhero from path.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-11


    To answer your question about our opinion in zimbra. Here is my  pretty descriptive answer


    1] Nice application and first and foremost its Open source which would definitely help for the organization who would not want spend much on communication.
    2] Nice GUI interface, and brilliantly designed though interface is pretty jazzy and I believe it could have kept simpler.
    3] The highlight is definitely an policy which should suffice the need
    4] easy configuration and deployment option.


    As stated above the first impression gives about jazzy look like those mirror images or flash used, that could have been kept simple HTTP or even could have designed  using jquery. Though this is just a suggestion since you are the owners I am pretty sure there would be concrete reason behind that

    Lack of documentation, honestly I struggled a lot on finding things like configuration, administration

    Scope of Improvement

    1. Can we not dig down to those graphs? I mean when we will click or double click on Home graph can we not get drill down report for that particular time?
    This applies to every graph, i mean just matter of clicking it and it produces a drilled-down report

    2. reports exported to CSV? Is it possible or can that be added in next version?

    3. Tool Tip description when hover the mouse over particular rule. since the current version just provides overlook and we need to click or edit to look at more. Can we get detailed look by just hovering over the mouse?

    4. How about integrating not so core DLP but kinda DLP or improve wiretap content?

    5. How about encrypting messages or putting disclaimer feature or plug-in?

    Thanks again guys!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

  • Alexis Panagides

    Awesome, thanks for the feedback.

    Most of the things you have identified are on our roadmap. We even have the answer to why we are using Flash in the mxHero site FAQ (summary, temporary before going HTML5).

    Good to know that we are on the right track!

    Thanks for using mxHero and keep in touch!

  • Diana Lauren Anderson

    Agree, great work!

  • NoDough

    NoDough - 2015-01-14

    Last edit: NoDough 2015-01-22

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