
Add another track to existing MXF file

  • Jason Livingston

    I was wondering if with MXFLib it is possible to add a new track (in my case, GC Data containers) to an existing MXF that already has video & audio tracks?  Say I have a function that generates the contents for the GC Data container on a frame by frame basis.  It would need to add a GC Data structure for every frame, update the headers to include the new track, save the structure to a new MXF file and update all the index table entries & partition info while doing so.

    I wrote my own MXF parser from scratch to do this, but it is a burden to maintain a lot of things (like index entries) that I think would be handled automatically by MXFLib.

    Is this relatively simple with MXFLib?  Are there any samples that demonstrate how to do this?


  • Matt Beard

    Matt Beard - 2011-02-23

    MXFLib can be used to do this, and it is easier than doing it from scratch, but it is not trivial.

    I would suggest that you look at MXFCrypt for some basic principles of modifying an MXF file to create another MXF file. It might be easier to use BodyReader (which is not currently used by MXFCrypt, but is used in the latest MXFSplit) for handling the reading, but this should give you a starting point.


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