Rick Stuart - 2008-07-01

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Hi Jerry,

I don't know if you are still monitoring this tracker ticket.

A few thoughts: I haven't see anyone pick up on this, SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) does just about everything I want, and, currently, there is little room for new features in the mvpmc project (i.e. the target's memory is almost full).

There is a plug in effort (only loads the application currently running) under way. However, I think that will probably be implemented on a different media extender box (the NMT box) first.

I do have some questions: Is GNUMP3D a server which supports "thin" clients? If not, and you were thinking of running GNUMP3D on the mvpmc box, I can honestly say I doubt you will find there are enough resources to handle the amount of data let alone the application.

With all that background information, if you want to code up this feature (start translating it from PERL to C) I might be able to help out if you have any questions.