
Look and feel suggestion

  • Bryan P. Pourciau

    I just grabbed the latest version of mvpmc out of CVS and checked out the new enhancements to mclient.  Very nice job!  The left justification works alot better with scrolling of text than before.  Also, I can confirm that the number [2] bug has been fixed.

    With respect to the new look for the mclient window, I have a few suggestions:

    (1) Would it be possible to "black out" the screen behind the mclient window?  I think the overall look would be alot cleaner if there were no remnants of the main mvpmc menu in the background.

    (2) Is it possible to center the text (while retaining left justification) within the mclient window?  It seems there is no space at all on the far left side of the windows, but several characters worth of free space on the right side.

    Anyway, thanks again for a wonderful app.  I am only trying to contribute in a small way with nutty ideas.

    • Mark Heydon

      Mark Heydon - 2005-10-17

      I've just got the latest as well and the mclient seems to be broke!  As i try to move thru the options (e.g. Browse Music, Browse Playlists, etc.etc.) although it's moving thru the options, it's jumping back to 'Now Playing' !

    • Mark Heydon

      Mark Heydon - 2005-10-17

      As I pressed send, I worked out what it was :)

      In case this happens to anybody must be something around the fixes for the MAC address, I went into the SlimServer server web interface and did a 'Forget this Player' on the (now two) MediaMVP devices now shown and it now works ok

    • Rick Stuart

      Rick Stuart - 2005-10-19

      Hi Bryan...

      Once Jon & I figure out how I want to use his widgets, I would think blanking out the background wouldn't be so hard.  Currently, as I understand it, the screen saver is doing exactly that - covering the whole screen with a black window. 

      Justification, wrap-around, missing spaces, switching to courier (fixed font width) only for the mclient and such are what I was planning on doing next.  Some where in there I think your text thing will shake out.

      But for now, go to settings and pick the default theme.  Why mclient doesn't start out with this font is a bit unclear to me.  That should fatten it up a bit and spread it around the window.


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