
Can MVPMC Play files from a PCHD5500?

  • RichardBronosky

    RichardBronosky - 2006-09-05

    I'm considering buying one or both of these today.  But if they don't work well together I'll have to decide on one or the other for now.

    • Rick Stuart

      Rick Stuart - 2007-05-20

      FYI: The mvpmc / MediaMVP does not play back HD content.  What you need to do is set up VLC to transcode the HD down to data rates similar to an NTSC signal.  This is a real pain, but is possible.  See discussions in the mvpmc user lists.  I think the real solution would be to implement a feature on MythTV to check it's client's capabilities and automatically transcode videos based on what it finds.  I think SageTV has beat us to this feature - i.e. they use the MediaMVP client in their setup.


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