These are the development pages for a multi-track digital audio recording import tool.
First things first:
MuTrack comes in handy, especially when recording multiple takes or projects with multiple channels on multiple recorders and you end up with lots of automatically named audio files, on several storage devices, with file structures specific to the recording device and all that you want is
I have so often suffered from having to copy and name numerous files manually after three day session weekends recorded on two cascaded Zoom R-16s (2 x 4 stereo channels up to 2 x 8 mono channels), I decided to begin to write this tool. I am going to implement storage device support for the recording devices I use and realize the most easy to use GUI for the task I can implement.
For starters these will be:
You can contribute to the project in many ways:
Ah, one note: I am in not in any way affiliated with Zoom Corp. and this software is not an official Zoom product. I like and use their recording solutions, but I really would like to support other devices as well. I just do not own any.
Cheers and happy recording