
Tree [02c3f4] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 ap3 2014-04-20 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [02c3f4] AAType,Tiny,Cleanups
 doc 2011-12-03 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [409567] Add doc dir
 COPYING.ARTWORKS 2012-01-19 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [e213fc] Arranging docs and add todo
 COPYING.GPLv3 2012-01-19 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [e213fc] Arranging docs and add todo
 COPYING.LGPLv21 2012-01-19 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [e213fc] Arranging docs and add todo
 COPYING.WTFPL 2012-01-19 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [e213fc] Arranging docs and add todo
 GNUmakefile 2011-12-03 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [1188bf] Moving 3SUM off the repository
 README 2013-02-26 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [31c128] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://mus3.git.sourcef...
 TODO 2012-11-19 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [68d575] AAType,TODO
 Version 2012-05-05 Banlu Kemiyatorn Banlu Kemiyatorn [d4ffc6] Initial version 0.0.3

Read Me

    .~~.~~.     ;      Hi, I am a 2D compositing/3D engine and also a      :
   :       :    :      development framework under heavy development.      :
  ; .~~.~~. :  <       My main task would be the core engine for 3Σ,       :
  :{ o   O ;:   :      a 3D modeler being written mainly for Étoilé        :
  ''.     .''   :     but I should also work with Cocoa. My secondary      :
   `(  o  }'    :  purpose would be a generic 3D visualization framework   :
     `~~~'      :  for any Étoilé & Cocoa apps, eg. displaying 3D graphs   :
    A  P  3     :      with script-able animation and visual effects.      ;
_____________    `--------------------------------------------------------'
  components \_________________________________________________________________

  AP3 is designed to run with or without GUI and is categorized in 4 modules,

    * Geometry : for C++ math.
    * Scene : Scene graph and 3D contents management.
    * Mesh : 3D mesh data representations.
    * Raster : raster data processings, color profiling, compositors.
    * Controller : for chain of GUI event responders, animations, widgets.
    * Shader : rendering backends, either real-time OpenGL or Aqsis backend.
  licenses \___________________________________________________________________

  The AP3 core components are mainly and hopefully licensed under WTFPL.
  The stand-alone tools and applications in AP3 are covered under the
  version 3 of GNU Public License.

  Graphics, artworks and other resources are under WTFPL

  links \______________________________________________________________________

  * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Étoilé Project
  * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Official Website
  authors \____________________________________________________________________

                Banlu Kemiyatorn . . . . . . Art Director
             /                                                      \
             |  I never support BSD-like licenses for softwares,    |
             |  the WTFPL was choosen to commercially compete with  |
             |   the other free softwares in the same category.     |
             | The project is small and early, it needs to survive. |