
error when i "save document as"

  • knightl

    knightl - 2004-12-02

    i am using multivalent 0.8.3 on windows 2000.
    java 1.4.2_02

    when i select save document as from the file dropdown, after selecting a folder and specifying
    a file name in the file browser window, i get:

    couldn't save: C:\Documents and Settings\knightl.
    CORP\My Documents\03.txt\C:\03.txt (The filename, directory name, or volume labe
    l syntax is incorrect)

    the file i opened was c:\03.txt i was trying to save it to the My Documents folder.

    can anyone explain what i am doing wrong?
    also, if the save document as did work, would my changeds be saved with the file, or are all changes saved separate in a "markup" file.

    also, also,
    i goofed and posted a bug report about this.
    my bad, flame away if you must, but please disregard.


    • Tom Phelps

      Tom Phelps - 2004-12-02

      The downloads page off the home page warns that the browser has issues, and this is probably one of them.


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