
MUCLM - My Uber Cool LDAP Manager / News: Recent posts

New Access Control Lists editor

In addition to the advanced editor, muclm now has another built-in editor: The ACL editor
The ACL editor is compatible with OpenDS and Sun DS and possibly FedoraDS (but fedorads is yet to be tested)
This editor is experimental and I hope to get some feedabout about its operation.
If you use it, make sure you allow muclm to modify acis by checking the "Effect ACLs" checkbox in the muclm control panel. (and please please send me feedback about its operation)... read more

Posted by Smackware 2007-07-27

Faster login

Today I've improved MUCLM's login process.
It should be way way faster.
Some minor enhancements and bug fixes were also applied. Please see CHANGELOG for details

Posted by Smackware 2007-07-20

Interface improvements

Finally I managed to find some time for enhancing MUCLM.
The goal was convenience and ease of operation.
MUCLM's interface was slightly modified to perfectly fit 800x600 resolutions and above.
In addition there is a new "control panel" tab which enables access to common tasks. (currently just managing plug-ins and creating objects)

Posted by Smackware 2007-03-18

MUCLM's new webpage

MUCLM now has a webpage.
But if you're already a MUCLM user, the webpage will probably have very little effect on your MUCLM usage.

Posted by Smackware 2007-01-01

MUCLM 1.6 news

MUCLM's goal is to become an enterprise level web-management-console for LDAP directories.
This week MUCLM was successfully tested with a large LDAP directory (Fedora directory server) containing over 1500 users, 1000 groups and 3000 computer records.

Apart from that, some new version highlights are:
- Ability to log in with user+password other than using the regular BIND DN field.
- Tab support (still undocumented) in custom editors + code improvement
- Big loading speed improvement of posix groups with a large amount of users... read more

Posted by Smackware 2006-12-26

New version hightlights

Two pages added to the help:
Creating search patterns and creating templates.

In addition, a small but significant feature addition, MUCLM has now the ability to encrypt MD5 and SHA in addition to CRYPT. Editing posixusers will now allow selecting which encryption to use.

Some bugs were fixed, see changelog

Posted by Smackware 2006-12-23

MUCLM development enters bugfix and optimization mode

After a busy month of furious development, MUCLM is now aiming towards a fast, stable production release. There is currently no plan for a major feature enhancement (Unless I'll come up with something really kickas).

Submitting of bug reports would be most appreciated.

Posted by Smackware 2006-12-22

Integrated script engine and proper documentation

Among many other improvements, MUCLM now has a plug-in engine allowing to integrate scripts performing common tasks. (like create a home directory for a user upon creation)

In addition, the documentation has been rewritten in a cleaner format.
There are still many things to document, but at least its a start.

MUCLM was tested with openldap and Fedora directory server

Bugreports would be most appreciated

Posted by Smackware 2006-12-21

Critical bug fixed and feature added

Bug not allowing for none-SSL connections to bind fixed.

On another note, MUCLM now allows you to choose any editor you wish and will prompt you for updating the object classes as necessary

Posted by Smackware 2006-12-18

New version available

After a long period of no updates, I have managed to dedicate some time for improving MUCLM.
Therefore, MUCLM has been through some gargantuan changes.
Currently the version includes some documentation of usage under the 'help' folder.

I hope to upload a version with full documentation within a few days.


Posted by Smackware 2006-12-17

Schema caching bug fixed

for using muclm with openldap on linux

Posted by Smackware 2006-09-15

MUCLM + openLdap on linux bug

Apparently there is a major bug in muclm when trying to login to an openLDAP service running on linux.
The bug causes the ldapschema not to cache and muclm fails to connect.
openLDAP admins should use stable version 0.7.1 until further notice.

However, fedora directory server on linux seems to work just fine with muclm.

Posted by Smackware 2006-09-14

Keeping busy

I promised a new release, and here it is.
Muclm 1.0b
Completly rewritten, with state of the art AJAX tech.
Prototype was not enough, I've decided to write my own ajax wrapper. It came out pretty well.
Loading time at first is longer, but interface is way faster

Supports Firefox, I.E and... TADA - Mozilla.


Posted by Smackware 2006-08-07

Upcomming changes

Muclm will not be updated for a few days and maybe weeks.
Its going through heavy modifications at the moment.
Prototype was heavy and buggy and had to be replaced.
The javascript code is being rewritten. More and more "responsabilities" are transfered from the PHP code to the javascript code.

Hopefully, Muclm will be Uber cooler when I'm done.

Meanwhile, version 0.7.1 seems pretty stable (though I have very little user feedback to confirm that)... read more

Posted by Smackware 2006-05-06

0.7.1 is out - contains some critical bugfixes

Please see change log for bug fixes and new uber-features.


Posted by Smackware 2006-05-04

New version - New features`

Highlight features of 0.6.9:
Deleting a subtree
DragDrop while pressing CTRL is Copy, not move

In addition, a great deal of code was rewritten

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-28

The UBER upgrade! Muclm aware of schema attribute definition

MUCLM 0.6.7 was uploaded.
Finnaly, this is a muclm version that is - Fully Aware Of Schema Attribute Definitions -.
Hoorah and such.

What does that mean?
It means that from now on, Muclm knows that the attribute "commmonname" is actually "cn"
And that "userid" is actually "uid".

Uber shag'a'delic.

Oh, also some minor bug in deleting was fixed (see change log)... read more

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-22

menus and subtree export feature added

The tree control in muclm now contains a menu feature.
When right clicking on an object, a small menu will appear. Multiple menus can be opened at the same time.

The menu contains the following options:
Edit (open, same as left click)
New (Create an object under this entry)
Export LDIF
Export Subtree

Exporting subtrees is another feature added and tested.

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-22

New version supporting LDIF import

muclm 0.6.5 supports importing of LDIF files.
Importing is still experimental, but quite harmless - (at most it'll create a defunct entry, it will never overwrite an existing entry).

In addition, saving directory bookmarks also saves wether the connection is SSLed or not.


Posted by Smackware 2006-04-21

MUCLM supports secure LDAP

Version 0.6.4ssl was uploaded. The mere modification in code, feature-wise, is the ssl support.

Note: The SSL support was not properly tested yet. Bugs/Comments would be appreciated. Even a notion of it actually working properly.

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-21

Critical bugfix in 0.6.4

Versions 0.6.2 and 0.6.3 posses a bug in the saving process.
When changing a single value of an attribute that has more than one value the save replaces the first value of the attribute no matter which value of it you modified

This is fixed in version 0.6.4 and above.
Versions 0.6.2 and 0.6.3 will be marked hidden from the download section.

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-19

muclm 0.6.2 released

Theres a critical bugfix in saving.
Muclm versions prior to this release would fail in replacing the values of single-valued must attributes

In addition, another great feature was added.
You can now create object templates (for new object creation) from the object you're editing

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-19

New screenshot of 0.6

Theres a new screenshot of muclm 0.6's interface in the screenshots section

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-18

muclm 0.6 released!

Apparently I'm on fire today. Straight after releasing muclm-0.5.8 I spent a few more hours enhancing it and there you go: version 0.6.

Changes are mostly feature enhancement and interface changes (Almost no bug fixes).

Note that this version was mainly tested with firefox and very little with Iexplorer.
Further bug reports and feature requests would be most welcome.


Posted by Smackware 2006-04-18

Muclm 0.5.8 is out

There were no news of the release of muclm 0.5.3, but the major change since then is the ability to export LDIFs of ldap entries that were searched for or are being edited.
A few major interface bugs were fixed as well.

Posted by Smackware 2006-04-18