
#642 Workspace Error (Linux)


I keep getting a workspace error & Eclipse Error. The application seems to start fine until it gets to creating or placing the workspace. I chose to include the workspace in the doucuments section. I have attached the log file for you to review.

Please include directions for creating a shortcut in Linux.

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  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2019-05-26

    This application does not work with java 10, You need to install java 8.

  • Jonathan Thomas Allen

    Here is the page I followed to try and install Java 8:

    I tried to install it via the PPA repository from Oracle itself, through the terminal and it couldn't find it. I also tried to solve the issue outside of the PPA repository. In both cases, an installation file could not be found. I even tried the suggestions the Terminal app gave me.

    No luck there either. Please show me we (and how) I can find a working installable version of Java 8 to get your app running on my linux mint system (based on a combination of ubuntu & debian).

    The exact steps to properly install java 8 need to be shared via your wiki page so you don't get anymore tickets like this. Or you could update the app to use the most recent version of java that is accesible via the PPA Repository (Java 11).

    I am doing my best to not have you work any harder.

  • Bjoern Schmidt

    Bjoern Schmidt - 2019-05-26


    the PPA repository is not from Oracle itself! This may be the reason why your linked description is not working:

    You really should download Java from Oracle: (Java SE 8u211 / Java SE 8u212 -> JRE)
    Unpack the tarball and install the JRE.
    Make sure that this JRE can be found (java -version).
    If it is the wrong version update-alternatives


  • Bjoern Schmidt

    Bjoern Schmidt - 2019-05-26

    BTW: I am glad to see you back after a long time, Alena. I was already scared. :)

  • Jonathan Thomas Allen

    Okay. after digging up a couple pages to show me how, I have installed the correct version of java and now the application is working fine. I am going to create a desktop shortcut so I don't have to dig in the home folder directly. Thank you for helping this new linux user.



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