
#604 Magic Core Set 2015 Duplicates



I while ago I noticed something peculiar and more recently I narrowed down what was happening. Every time I close and reopen the app, the size of Magic_2015_Core_Set.xml keeps getting bigger, as if all the cards were being added to the file over and over again, resulting in tons of duplicates. It's the only set that's doing this.

Any idea what's going on!?

I'm currently running Version 1.5.1 Build id: 201712020003
I've attached my M15 xml file and a screenshot of the Collector's view to demonstrate the issue.

Thank you very much!

2 Attachments


  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2017-12-30

    Can you try, stop the app, remove this file and restart? (If you had add another language to this set you would have to re-add it)

  • Sasha Boutin

    Sasha Boutin - 2018-01-02

    I did try this a couple of times, it simply recreated the file and the bug kept on happening.
    I also didn't try to do anything funky with this set like adding tokens/emblems/etc.

    If it can help, I could try installing an older version to see if I can reproduce the issue.

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2018-01-02

    No it likely did not change. Can you attach before and after version? So I cann see what exactly has been added please?

  • Sasha Boutin

    Sasha Boutin - 2018-01-04

    Here's a brand new file and the "bugged" file after reopening the app 4 times.

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2018-01-07

    Still cannot reproduce it... So you do absolutely nothing just start and stop and its growing?

  • Sasha Boutin

    Sasha Boutin - 2018-01-11

    Precisely, I'm not doing anything special. I did some more digging and noticed something interesting. I downgraded to v1.4.2 and as you said, it didn't change anything. However, I tried creating a new workspace with this version and this one doesn't mess up with the set file. Switching back to my original workspace, I still get the issue.

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2018-01-11

    Ok then if you copy all your deck files (xml) in new workspace and see if it still ok, then you can just switch to a new workspace

  • Sasha Boutin

    Sasha Boutin - 2018-01-19

    Excuse me for the long delay. Indeed, creating a new workspace and copying over the deck/collection files over solved the problem! Thank you very much!



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