

install (1)
Maxim Kuznetsov

ATcl install

You may see original ATcl site for more information :

ATcl is an integrator library, and therefore Tcl itself is primarily necessary.
Tcl is freely available and has no licensing encumbrances (usually the license BSD-like).

To work with MT4, you will need 32-bit (this is important! MT4 32-bit, but 64-bit libraries will not work with it) version of Tcl.
You can use any of the Tcl distributions:

  • ActiveState (
  • MagicSplat (
  • IronTcl (

You can even compile yourself :-)

Download the ATcl archive

the distribution includes useful demonstrations

Unpack the contents of the archive into the data directory of your terminal.

The archive contains the following files:

MQL4 / Libraries / ATcl / atcl.dll - DLL library. Component required for installation
MQL4 / Libraries / ATcl /lib - contains tcl demo scripts
MQL4 / Include / ATcl / atcl.mqh - MQL library interface. Contains class ATcl
MQL4 / Files / ATcl / - contains demo files. At least the directory must be created
MQL4 / Experts / ATcl / - contains demonstration experts. It`s optional.
MQL4 / Indicators / ATcl / - demo indicator. Also optional
MQL4 / Scripts / ATcl - demo scripts. Optional

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