
#202 Weird qt5 bug


Not sure whats causing this but i guess hardcoded dll paths.
What happens is that 32 bit qt5 applications such as assistant and qtcreator crash instantly on both windows 7 and 10. I even tried starting over from scratch and reinstalling both windows and msys2 to no avail.
Strangely enough the 64 bit versions work. I can get the 32 bit version to work if i copy /mingw32/share/qt5 to /mingw32/lib/qt5 so it seems to be caused by the executables not being able to find this folder where its located normally, but then why does the 64 bit version work ???.


  • ralph engels

    ralph engels - 2015-11-18

    Ok i fixed qtcreator by adding a custom a custom qt.conf file in mingw32/bin but assistant and designer still crashes with a pointer to qtcore5.dll with a null pointer error, so not sure whats up with that ?.

    for others experiencing this bug heres my qt.conf file.


  • David Macek

    David Macek - 2015-12-02

    Does this still happen with the current Qt package?

  • ralph engels

    ralph engels - 2015-12-02

    Unfortunatly yes, allthough now i have to move the platform dll's into /mingw32/bin/platforms or it crashes with an error about these missing. Assistant and designer still crash no matter if i move the plugins to /mingw32/bin but atleast qtcreator works that way. Another way around it is to use a custom qt.conf but it throws the msys2 specific paths out of whack so you cannot build qt packages with msys2 or mingw64 only mingw32. Not sure whats going on tbh as only the 32 bit qt5 is affected.

  • ralph engels

    ralph engels - 2016-02-02

    Ok an update about this.

    I tried running qtbinpatcher from the root of the mingw32 directory and it fixes the issue, but assistant and designer still crash. Only the static versions work.

    qtcreator also works.

  • ralph engels

    ralph engels - 2016-02-08

    Heh this bug is getting weird, if i start assistant from linguist it does not crash, only if i run it directly.

    clang 32 bit also seems to have trouble, crashes with segfault, 64 bit version works huh.

  • goldenhawking

    goldenhawking - 2016-07-03

    the problem is caused by webkit. when I delete QWebviewer designer plugin in usr/share/qt5/plugins/designer,designer is ok. However, for assistant, who has a strong dependence with webkit, this approach does not work.

  • David Macek

    David Macek - 2017-02-04
    • status: open --> closed
  • David Macek

    David Macek - 2017-02-04

    Hopefully fixed by now. If not, file a new issue on GitHub.