
Patch : context menu entry to run msys2 to a desired path

  • class101

    class101 - 2014-03-13

    Sent this to Ray he told me they will maybe integrate such functionality when msys2 has an installer package ready.
    Anyway just sharing it here for anyone who needs a handy 'Start msys2 command prompt' in the Windows context menu when right-clicking any directory, this will start msys2 in the said directory =)
    How to use: apply patch, run msys2 normally, double click the newly created msys2_shell.reg

    --- msys2_shell.bat.a   2014-02-22 21:22:09.251183600 +0100
    +++ msys2_shell.bat.b   2014-03-13 18:12:42.821821100 +0100
    @@ -28,14 +28,22 @@
     if "x%1" == "x-consolez" set MSYSCON=console.exe
     if "x%1" == "x-mintty" set MSYSCON=mintty.exe
    +if "x%1" == "x-customdir" goto startminttycustomdir
     if "x%MSYSCON%" == "xmintty.exe" goto startmintty
     if "x%MSYSCON%" == "xconsole.exe" goto startconsolez
     if NOT EXIST %WD%mintty.exe goto startsh
    +if NOT EXIST %~dp0\msys2_shell.reg goto registermintty
     start %WD%mintty -i /msys.ico -
    +if NOT EXIST %WD%mintty.exe goto startsh
    +start %WD%mintty -i /msys.ico /bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/bash -l
     cd %WD%..\lib\ConsoleZ
     start console -t "MSys2"
    @@ -45,4 +53,17 @@
     start %WD%sh --login -i
    +set WR=%~dp0\msys2_shell.reg
    +set DIR=%~dp0
    +set DIR=%DIR:\=\\%
    +echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>%WR%
    +echo.> NUL 2>&1>>%WR%
    +echo [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Command_Prompt_MSYS2]>>%WR%
    +echo @="Command Prompt Msys2">>%WR%
    +echo.> NUL 2>&1>>%WR%
    +echo [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Command_Prompt_MSYS2\command]>>%WR%
    +echo @="cmd.exe /a /k cd /d \"%%l\" && %DIR%msys2_shell.bat -customdir">>%WR%
    +goto startmintty


    Last edit: class101 2014-03-13
  • ph4nt0m

    ph4nt0m - 2016-04-28

    Nice suggestion, I've been using this for several months now. Too bad that nothing like this has been integrated into MSYS2 yet, although meanwhile an installer is already available.

    I adapted your approach to the most recent MSYS2 release, since several modifications have taken place since then. The main starting code is now inside the "start_shell.cmd" script, so I would suggest the below patch.

    It introduces a new -here argument (as proposed here) and should not introduce any unwanted side-effects. I think integrating this patch would at least be a first step to avoid having to manually edit the batch scripts, especially since they will be overwritten with the next update.

  • Matthieu Vachon

    Matthieu Vachon - 2016-04-28

    @ph4nt0m I suggest to create a PR on github with your patch. All development happens there and proposing your patch has a good chance of being integrated. If you do so, ping Karlson2k has he did most of the re-work of the shell scripts so he might have input on your patch.

    There is little chance it will get integrated if it stays here.