
#12 Create an MS-DOS bootable stick



While looking around for a solution on my problem, I was wondering if anyone got a similar need.

I could create a bootable USB stick running Freedos, but I'm looking to do a similar procedure with MS-DOS. There is plenty of information on the web to produce small size usb stick (1.44M, 2.88M), but only a couple of web page about large DOS configuration.

I wonder if anyone is able to do such USB stick running MS-DOS.

For your reference, this web page work well for large filesystem, but produce a freedos version.

Thank for any input


  • Henrik Carlqvist

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I haven't tried to boot MS-DOS from a USB stick myself, but if you were able to boot freedos following those instructions and if your version of MS-DOS supports USB I think that it would work if you do the following steps:

    Step 1, use GNU parted to create your FAT32 partition and file system:
    parted /dev/sda mklabel msdos
    parted /dev/sda mkpart primary fat32 0 200
    parted /dev/sda mkfs 1 fat32
    parted /dev/sda set 1 boot on
    parted /dev/sda print

    Step 2, write the MBR:
    ms-sys -w /dev/sda

    Step 3, write the FAT32 partition boot record:
    ms-sys -w /dev/sda1

    Step 4, copy system files:
    mkdir /tmp/mnt
    mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/mnt
    cp /tmp/mnt
    cp io.sys /tmp/mnt
    cp msdos.sys /tmp/mnt
    umount /tmp/mnt

    The above instructions assume that your USB stick is named /dev/sda, maybe you will have to replace that device name with the name of your stick.

    regards Henrik

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I tried, and it didn't work
    I also did what is recommended by cfdisk when creating DOS 6.x partition. No luck
    I also tried a different USB key without success

  • Henrik Carlqvist

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    If those steps were not enough it might help to add one more step:

    Step 3b, write partition info and drive id to partition:
    ms-sys -p /dev/sda1

    The -p switch requires a 2.4 kernel to work reliable. You chould both use an ms-sys compiled on a system running a 2.4 kernel and you should run that ms-sys on a 2.4 linux kernel system.

    If it still doesn't help, do you get any error messages?

    regards Henrik

  • Henrik Carlqvist

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