
#1593 Main lay-out


I am starting to use of MRBS successfully. As far concer the main screen personally I perfer to have timing in orizzontal and resuorces listed vertically on the left.
Is there any possibility to meet thi dream.
I know that some one did it. This has been done by tehere self or you suggested/proposed this solution?
Many thanks for your suggestion if any.
Best regards.


  • GedM

    GedM - 2018-09-03

    Hi Carlo,
    in your add the line:

    $times_along_top = true;

    I think that's what you're after.


    Last edit: GedM 2018-09-03
    • Carlo Magnoni

      Carlo Magnoni - 2018-09-03

      Done, nice


      Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-09-26
      • Carlo Magnoni

        Carlo Magnoni - 2018-09-26

        Sorry to disturb you again.
        Can I ask you if there is any possibility to produce/extract report
        directly in pdf format?
        Many thanks


        Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-09-26
      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2018-09-26

        Sorry to disturb you again.
        Can I ask you if there is any possibility to produce/extract report
        directly in pdf format?
        Many thanks


        Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-09-26
        • Campbell Morrison

          No, there isn't, not without major modifications to MRBS. But what you can do is export the report in CSV format and then save it in PDF format from Excel.

          • Carlo Magnoni

            Carlo Magnoni - 2018-09-26

            Yes, I know.
            I asked for this because, here in my side, not always who extract report
            for his usage is familiar with file manage copy and save etc.
            Many thanks for your support any way.
            Best regards.


            Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-09-29
            • Carlo Magnoni

              Carlo Magnoni - 2018-09-29

              Sorry to disturb you again as may be that the answer to my question is
              written in some post/discussione not found by me.
              Documentation talk about maximum number of entries (meeting) is 365. Is
              also writted that this limit can be encreased.
              Could you please adivise:
              1) Entries measn number of booked metting. For example e weekly
              repetitive entry for 4 week are counted by the system as 4 entries. It
              is correct?
              2) How to encrease the limit of 365?
              many thanks.


              Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-09-29
  • Campbell Morrison

    (1) Yes, a series of 4 counts as 4 entries
    (2) Set $max_rep_entrys in your config file

    • Carlo Magnoni

      Carlo Magnoni - 2018-09-29

      "$max_rep_entrys" not mentioned in my config file. This meas that there
      is no entries limitation?

      Best regards



      Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-10-08
      • GedM

        GedM - 2018-09-30

        Hi Carlo,

        There is a file called and it defines all the default values for configurable parts of the software. The default setting for $max_rep_entrys is 356(+1). Do not change any settings in If you want to change a setting you should copy the variable (setting) to your file and change it to the value you want. For example:
        In leave the entry as

        $max_rep_entrys = 356+1;

        In add the line:

        $max_rep_entrys = 2001;

        In the exampe above the entry in will override the entry in and change the maximum entries for a repeat booking to 2000.

        I suggest you read, but do not edit, the file. There is a lot of really good information in there describing all the settings and their meaning.


        Last edit: GedM 2018-09-30
        • Carlo Magnoni

          Carlo Magnoni - 2018-09-30

          Many thanks for your support. I do not want to stress you any more,
          sorry for asking you furter clarification.
          I read in available supplied files indication and suggestions even not
          In my system,
          actually the "$max_rep_entrys is 356(+1)" is not mentioned in
          If I understood from your mail the entry limit is fixed by the content
          of that, in this case, means (365).
          At this stage of my project above mentioned my entries are really more
          than 356 and the system looks working without problem.
          This is what i do not understand.
          Have a nice day.


          Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-10-08
          • GedM

            GedM - 2018-09-30

            Hi Carlo,
            If you don't have an entry in your then check your file and make sure you see the lines:

            // Maximum repeating entrys (max needed +1):
            $max_rep_entrys = 365 + 1;

            It should be about line 426.

            If your contains that setting then when you make a repeat booking you will be limited to not more than 365 entries from the one repeat booking. For example, if someone tried to book the tennis court in your system between 10:00 and 11:00 every day for a year (365 days) it would be OK. However, if they tried to book the tennis court at the same time Mon-Sun for more than 365 days, it wouldn't be allowed. Give it a try in your system, see if you can book the tennis court on a repeat booking between 10:00 and 11:00 for more than a year. It should fail.
            It's my understanding this limitation is in the system to stop the database being tied up for long periods of time. It only limits how many entries can be made using a single repeat booking. Does this answer your question?


            Last edit: GedM 2018-09-30
            • Carlo Magnoni

              Carlo Magnoni - 2018-09-30

              Many thanks. Thanks to be so patient with me.
     file checked and contain $max_rep_entrys = 365 +
              1 as you sayed.

              Now looks clear for me.

              This limit is for the ripetiteve entries only while for a single event I
              can book as meny event as I like/need.

              Thanks again




              Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-10-08
  • GedM

    GedM - 2018-09-30

    No problems. I'm glad it made sense.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2018-10-08

      Sorry to disturb you again.
      few questions on the report.
      1) It is possible to create a second report with different columns in
      it? If yes how is possible to create it?
      2) If not, to change report content (remove or add colums) I should work
      on the file "report.php" at following area'

         // We give some columns a type data value so that the JavaScript knows 
      how to sort them
           switch ($field)
             case 'name':
               $values[] = get_vocab("namebooker");
             case 'area_name':
               $values[] = get_vocab("area");
             case 'room_name':
               $values[] = get_vocab("room");
             case 'start_time':
               $values[] = type_wrap(get_vocab("start_date"), 'title-numeric');
             case 'end_time':
               $values[] = type_wrap(get_vocab("end_date"), 'title-numeric');
               $values[] = type_wrap(get_vocab("duration"), 'title-numeric');
             case 'description':
               $values[] = get_vocab("fulldescription_short");
             case 'type':
               if (count($booking_types) > 1)
                 $values[] = get_vocab("type");
             case 'create_by':
               $values[] = get_vocab("createdby");
             case 'confirmation_enabled':
               if ($confirmation_somewhere)
                 $values[] = get_vocab("confirmation_status");
             case 'approval_enabled':
               if ($approval_somewhere)
                 $values[] = get_vocab("approval_status");
             case 'last_updated':
               $values[] = type_wrap(get_vocab("lastupdate"), 'title-numeric');

      Changes in this code will affect the report only?
      Thanks in advance, best regards.


      Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-10-08
  • Campbell Morrison

    If you want to remove some columns from the report then you need to remove them from both the header and the body. As both report_header(), which produces the header, and report_row(), which produces the body, cycle through the array $field_order_list, then the easiest thing to do is to remove the columns you don't want from $field_order_list. The $field_order_list array is generated (assuming MRBS 1.7.1) in lines 1363-1371.

    If you want to have two different reports, then you could either

    1. Have two completely different pages, say report1.php and report2.php, and have them as separate menu items in the header; or
    2. Have just one report page, but introduce a new field on the form so that you can select the type of report you want.

    Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2018-10-09