
#80 How can I add more details for viewing at the room page


Hi. I need help on showing more detail, ie: Who booked and how description, at the viewing booking at the caleendar on the day.php/week.php/month.php pages. Need your guide on this. Thank you


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-05-31

    If its for mrbs version 1.4.8?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-05-31

    Where do I add in the line you mention in this function? Sorry, still kinda new to programming.

    function map_add_booking ($row, &$column, $am7, $pm7, $format)
      // Enters the contents of the booking found in $row into $column, which is
      // a column of the map of the bookings being prepared ready for display.
      // $column    the column of the map that is being prepared (see below)
      // $row       a booking from the database
      // $am7       the start of the first slot of the booking day (Unix timestamp)
      // $pm7       the start of the last slot of the booking day (Unix timestamp)
      // $format    time format used for indexing the $map array
      // $row is expected to have the following field names, when present:
      //       room_id
      //       start_time
      //       end_time
      //       name
      //       repeat_id
      //       entry_id
      //       type
      //       entry_description
      //       entry_create_by
      //       status
      // $column is a column of the map of the screen that will be displayed
      // It looks like:
      //     $column[Time][n][id]
      //                     [is_repeat]
      //                     [is_multiday_start]  a boolean indicating if the booking stretches
      //                                          beyond the day start
      //                     [is_multiday_end]    a boolean indicating if the booking stretches
      //                                          beyond the day end
      //                     [color]
      //                     [data]
      //                     [long_descr]
      //                     [create_by]
      //                     [room_id]
      //                     [start_time]
      //                     [slots]
      //                     [status]
      // slots records the duration of the booking in number of time slots.
      // Used to calculate how high to make the block used for clipping
      // overflow descriptions.
      // Fill in the map for this meeting. Start at the meeting start time,
      // or the day start time, whichever is later. End one slot before the
      // meeting end time (since the next slot is for meetings which start then),
      // or at the last slot in the day, whichever is earlier.
      // Time is of the format HHMM without leading zeros.
      // [n] exists because it's possible that there may be multiple bookings
      // in the same time slot.   Normally this won't be the case.   However it
      // can arise legitimately if you increase the resolution, or shift the 
      // displayed day.   For example if you previously had a resolution of 1800 
      // seconds you might have a booking (A) for 1000-1130 and another (B) for 1130-1230.
      // If you then increase the resolution to 3600 seconds, these two bookings 
      // will both occupy the 1100-1200 time slot.   [n] starts at 0.   For
      // the example above the map for the room would look like this
      //       0  1
      // 1000  A
      // 1100  A  B
      // 1200  B
      // Note: int casts on database rows for max may be needed for PHP3.
      // Adjust the starting and ending times so that bookings which don't
      // start or end at a recognized time still appear.
      global $resolution;
      global $is_private_field;
      $user = getUserName();
      if (is_private_event($row['status'] & STATUS_PRIVATE) &&
             !getWritable($row['entry_create_by'], $user, $row['room_id']))
        $row['status'] |= STATUS_PRIVATE;   // Set the private bit
        if ($is_private_field[''])
          $row['name']= "[".get_vocab('unavailable')."]";
        if ($is_private_field['entry.description'])
          $row['entry_description']= "[".get_vocab('unavailable')."]";
        $row['status'] &= ~STATUS_PRIVATE;  // Clear the private bit
      $is_multiday_start = ($row['start_time'] < $am7);
      $is_multiday_end = ($row['end_time'] > ($pm7 + $resolution));
      $start_t = max(round_t_down($row['start_time'], $resolution, $am7), $am7);
      $end_t = min(round_t_up($row['end_time'], $resolution, $am7) - $resolution, $pm7);
      // calculate the times used for indexing
      $time_start_t = date($format,$start_t);
      $time_end_t = date($format,$end_t);
      for ($t = $start_t; $t <= $end_t; $t += $resolution)
        $time_t = date($format,$t);
        // find the first free index (in case there are multiple bookings in a timeslot)
        $n = 0;
        while (!empty($column[$time_t][$n]["id"]))
        // fill in the id, type and start time
        $column[$time_t][$n]["id"] = $row['entry_id'];
        $column[$time_t][$n]["is_repeat"] = !empty($row['repeat_id']);
        $column[$time_t][$n]["is_multiday_start"] = $is_multiday_start;
        $column[$time_t][$n]["is_multiday_end"] = $is_multiday_end;
        $column[$time_t][$n]["status"] = $row['status'];
        $column[$time_t][$n]["color"] = $row['type'];
        $column[$time_t][$n]["start_time"] = utf8_strftime(hour_min_format(), $row['start_time']);
        $column[$time_t][$n]["slots"] = null;  // to avoid undefined index NOTICE errors
        // if it's a multiple booking also fill in the name and description
        if ($n > 0)
          $column[$time_t][$n]["data"] = $row['name'];
          $column[$time_t][$n]["long_descr"] = $row['entry_description'];
          $column[$time_t][$n]["create_by"] = $row['entry_create_by'];
          $column[$time_t][$n]["room_id"] = $row['room_id'];
        // otherwise just leave them blank (we'll fill in the first whole slot later)
          $column[$time_t][$n]["data"] = "";
          $column[$time_t][$n]["long_descr"] = "";
          $column[$time_t][$n]["create_by"] = "";
          $column[$time_t][$n]["room_id"] = "";
      } // end for
      // Show the name of the booker, the description and the number of complete
      // slots in the first complete slot that the booking happens in, or at the 
      // start of the day if it started before today.
      // Find the number of time slots that the booking occupies, and the index
      // of the first slot that this booking has entirely to itself
      $n_slots = intval(($end_t - $start_t)/$resolution) + 1;
      $first_slot = $start_t;
      // If the last time slot is already occupied, we have a multiple
      // booking in the last slot, so decrement the number of slots that
      // we will display for this booking
      if (isset($column[$time_end_t][1]["id"]))
        // If we're only the second booking to land on this time slot
        // then we'll have to adjust the information held for the first booking
        // (unless it's just one slot long in the first place, when it 
        // doesn't matter as it will now be part of a multiple booking).
        // If we are the third booking or more, then it will have already
        // been adjusted.
        if (!isset($column[$time_end_t][2]["id"]))
          if ($column[$time_end_t][0]["slots"] > 1)
            // Move the name and description into the new first slot and decrement the number of slots
            $column[date($format, $end_t + $resolution)][0]["data"] = $column[$time_end_t][0]["data"];
            $column[date($format, $end_t + $resolution)][0]["long_descr"] = $column[$time_end_t][0]["long_descr"];
            $column[date($format, $end_t + $resolution)][0]["create_by"] = $column[$time_end_t][0]["create_by"];
            $column[date($format, $end_t + $resolution)][0]["room_id"] = $column[$time_end_t][0]["room_id"];
            $column[date($format, $end_t + $resolution)][0]["slots"] = $column[$time_end_t][0]["slots"] - 1;
      // and if the first time slot is already occupied, decrement
      // again, adjust the first slot for this booking
      if (isset($column[$time_start_t][1]["id"]))
        $first_slot += $resolution;
        // If we're only the second booking to land on this time slot
        // then we'll have to adjust the information held for the first booking
        if (!isset($column[$time_start_t][2]["id"]))
          // Find the first slot ($s) of the first booking
          $first_booking_id = $column[$time_start_t][0]["id"];
          $s = $start_t;
          // If you've got to the first slot of the day then that must be the
          // first slot of the first booking
          while ($s > $am7)
            // Otherwise, step back one slot.
            $s -= $resolution;
            // If that slot contains the first booking, then step back again
            if (isset($column[date($format,$s)]))
              foreach ($column[date($format,$s)] as $booking)
                if ($booking["id"] == $first_booking_id)
                  continue 2;  // next iteration of the while loop
            // If not, then we've stepped back one slot past the start of
            // the first booking, so step forward again and finish
            $s += $resolution;
          } // end while
          // Now we've found the time ($s) of the first slot of the first booking
          // we need to find its index ($i)
          foreach ($column[date($format,$s)] as $i => $booking)
            if ($booking["id"] == $first_booking_id)
          // Finally decrement the slot count for the first booking
          // no need to worry about count going < 1: the multiple booking display
          // does not use the slot count.
          // and put the name and description in the multiply booked slot
          $column[$time_start_t][0]["data"] = $column[date($format,$s)][$i]["data"];
          $column[$time_start_t][0]["long_descr"] = $column[date($format,$s)][$i]["long_descr"];
          $column[$time_start_t][0]["create_by"] = $column[date($format,$s)][$i]["create_by"];
          $column[$time_start_t][0]["room_id"] = $column[date($format,$s)][$i]["room_id"];
      // now we've got all the information we can enter it in the first complete
      // slot for the booking (provided it's not a multiple booking slot)
      if (!isset($column[date($format,$first_slot)][1]["id"]))
        $column[date($format,$first_slot)][0]["data"] = $row['name'];
        $column[date($format,$first_slot)][0]["long_descr"] = $row['entry_description'];
        $column[date($format,$first_slot)][0]["create_by"] = $row['entry_create_by']; 
        $column[date($format,$first_slot)][0]["room_id"] = $row['room_id']; 
        $column[date($format,$first_slot)][0]["slots"] = $n_slots;
    } // end function map_add_booking()

    Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2019-05-31
  • Campbell Morrison

    At the beginning, eg

    function map_add_booking ($row, &$column, $am7, $pm7, $format)
      $row['name'] = $row['name'] . ' (' . $row['create_by'] . ')';
      $row['description'] = $row['description'] . ' (' . $row['create_by'] . ')';
      // Enters the contents of the booking found in $row into $column, which is

    Note that in 1.4.8 $entry was called $row, so I have renamed it in the example above.

    However, I'd recommend that you upgrade to the latest release of MRBS before making any changes.


    Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2019-05-31
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-06-19

    I tried adding the line. However still does not show the details.

  • Campbell Morrison

    And what do the first 10 lines of your function now look like (including the first line function map_add_booking)?