
#363 Password reset feature


When using the 'db' authentication scheme it would be good to allow users to reset their passwords if they have forgotten them, and also for administrators to force a reset (perhaps by setting password_hash to NULL?).


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-04-29


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-08-09

    +1 here

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-08-30

    +1 here - especially after staff come back from summer holidays and have forgotting password.

  • GedM

    GedM - 2018-09-03

    I have created some extra pages which sit in a directory placed in the MRBS directory. It allows for self registration. The person must verify their email by means of a link after which they can choose a password. The information is then saved to the MRBS Users table.

    The pages allow the user to reset/change their password by the same process. They must verify themselves by clicking a link sent to their email address.

    I must reiterate, these pages are entirely separate and don't look anything like MRBS however you could chnage them to match your theme as you see fit.
    If you're interested I can message you the files.

    • Treblig

      Treblig - 2018-09-20


      Maybe you could zip the files and make them available to all by attaching the zip to your post. There are 4 people who asked for that feature and probably many more interested. It may quickly be a pain in the neck to send the files to each individual.


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2018-09-20

        Hi Treblig,
        I'm not a programmer. I hacked something together to do what I needed. I'm happy to send it on but I need to rewrite it before posting publicly.
        Once I have time to clean it up I will definately post it here for eveyone to use.
        Until it's been cleaned up though, I'm happy to send it to you for testing and comment.

        • Treblig

          Treblig - 2018-09-20

          OK I understand the feeling, I'm not a programmer either.

          I saw your PM. Thanks for your offer but I don't need it myself.
          My comment in the forum was for making things easier for you and users of MRBS (and posterity because one's hard drive eventually fails or one doesn't use MRBS any longer and wipes all related files or email address becomes invalid, etc.)


      • GedM

        GedM - 2018-09-20

        Sorry. The anonymous post was me. I forgot to login.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2018-10-12


      These pages would interest me.
      May it be possible to get the files ?



      • GedM

        GedM - 2018-10-14

        Unzip the attachment to a subdirectory in your MRBS installation. (e.g. reset or register). Change the settings in config.php.
        Post here or PM me if you have any issues.
        The registration and reset functions assume the email address is unique for a user. I will need change the files to allow for more than one user per email address.


        Last edit: GedM 2018-10-14
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-01-11

    i am facing issue with this same code...while submitting record for registration it pop ups with Sending mail failed...
    i have made changes with config file.mail is working with mrbs booking..but not wiht registration.
    could you help for the same..

  • Campbell Morrison

    There's a now a "Lost your password?" link feature in the default branch. This allows users to reset their passwords. There isn't a feature for admins to force a reset, though setting password_hash to NULL would lock a user out of the system and force them to reset.

    This feature will appear in the next release of MRBS after 1.9.0. In the meantime you can get it by following the Download Snapshot link on the default branch page.

  • Campbell Morrison

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