
#289 Ability to "declare incident"



I don't know if this a common need but having installed MRBS at a few places, I've been asked the ability for bookers to declare incidents to the site/room admin by email so they can take actions.

The situation might be that some resource in the room (projector, PC, whatever else) was either missing or not working, or room needs cleaning, or whatever else that needs admin attention.

I have implemented that facility in view_entry.php as a "Declare incident" link that points to a report_incident.php script (outrageously based on bits and pieces of other MRBS scripts) and added a line in

Bookers can only declare an incident after the booking start_time (so they can't play "return to the future")

Unfortunately, due to my limited knowledge of MRBS under the hood, PHP, MySQL and poor design abilities I only email the incident to the room/site admin but (and that's very unfortunate) don't log the incidents.
Incidentally, the booking id can't be reported in the incident email sent to the admin since it's only valid until someone makes a modification to the booking in which case the booking gets a new id (the easy solution I found is to not send the booking id in the email ;-) ).

On top of that, my implementation is prone to security holes all over the place though the sites where I implemented this are not strategic so I'm pretty confident that I can't be held responsible should the world stop spinning anytime soon.

If anyone wants this, email me (but be prepared for the worst ;-) )
A proper implementation would nevertheless be welcome if this feature is commonly requested.
