Admin bookings are limitd to maximum duration
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Hi, I have a fresh install of 1.7.1 and have configured a room with the maximum duration for a booking set to 2 hours. In previous versions (1.5.0) the administrator account was not limited by this setting. When making a booking via the edit entry page a booking by an administrator account is limited by this setting however once the booking has been made it can be dragged to a longer duration in the day.php page. Is there a way to override this limitation on Administrators when making a booking via the edit_entry.php page?
I think this is probably happening when you have switched from being logged in as an ordinary user to being logged in as an admin. The problem is that the JavaScript, which is cached, is different depending on whether you are an admin or not. Clearing the browser cache should allow you to make a booking longer than the maximum duration. The behaviour is the same as in previous versions of MRBS. I will try and fix it properly in the next few days.
Hi Campbell, thanks for the quick response. You are correct. Once I cleared the cache and logged in with the admin account it worked correctly. I apologise for wasting your time. I should have spotted that one.
Thanks again.
I've now committed to the default branch a change which ensures that the JavaScript now caters for both admin and non-admin users and so it doesn't matter whether a cached version is being used.
Thanks Campbell, very much appreciated.