
Mpxplay v1.60

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2012-11-09

    Mpxplay v1.60 alpha is released on

    diffs between v1.60 alpha and v1.59 final
    -removed lq-mode (16 bit integer) au-mixer, removed HQmode setting from mpxplay.ini (now Mpxplay has only 32-bit float based audio mixer)
    -crossfade works at different input frequencies too (you can do crossfade between a 5.1, 48Khz AC3 and a 22kHhz mono MP3 too)
    -added general tone (bass/treble) for au-mixer (all filetypes have tone control, not only MPx)
    -added disable_decodertone (+16) and disable_mixertone (+32) flags to MixerControl variable
    -AC3 decoder fix (went wrong at v1.58a1) (parse.c)
    -FFMPEG (MKV): increased number of max streams (20->32) (ffutils.h)
    -FLAC decoder optimizations (flac.c)
    -displaymode is not saved in mpxplay.ini, if fullscreen mode is disabled at command line (control.c)
    -ctrl-Del doesn't clear directory side in multitab mode (keyboard.c)
    -ctrl-'r' doesn't clear files (just resets the file/id3 infos), if no related playlist nor dirscan (playlist.c)
    -multi tabs are not modified/deleted in file-out (-o) mode (sc_wav.c)

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2012-11-09

    Interesting… :) (don't listen to the audio, just watch the video)

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2012-12-20

    Mpxplay v1.60 alpha 2 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 alpha 2 and alpha 1
    -added http file/stream handling (drv_http.c, mpxinbuf.c, chkentry.c)
    -added Ogg/Opus handling/demuxing (decoding is in ad_opus.dll) (in_ogg.c)
    -ASX extension is removed from ASF demuxer, added to playlists (a very primitive ASX list parsing) (in_asf.c, loadlist.c)
    -AAC/ADTS parsing (in_aac.c)
    -MP4/HE-AAC 24khz decoding (ad_aac\decoder.c)

    Some notes:
    HTTP streams have a fake length, but don't care with it (just Mpxplay needs a valid file/song length). The program will play the stream beyond that time too (probably).
    HTTP streaming handles (tested) only at AAC,MP3,OGG.
    MMS:/RTSP: and WMA streams are not handled yet. Playlists usually also doesn't work (if content-type is chunked).
    If you find a radio channel, which doesn't work properly, please send me the link.

    From now, DOS32/A version also contains TCP/IP handling (http & ftp clients), but I cannot test it at all…

  • dos386

    dos386 - 2012-12-22

    > Interesting… :) (don't listen to the audio, just watch the video)
    > http:/

    - It's from Belgium
    - Can't view nor download it with DOS
    # Downloaded it in Windaube with YTD
    + It's somewhat related to MPXPLAY
    - It's absurdly long with almost no motion and no content

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2012-12-27

    Mpxplay v1.60 alpha 3 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 alpha 3 and alpha 2
    -alt-F5 can copy (record) http streams too (diskfile.c)
    -DOS: partially modified Intel HDA handling, added new PCI IDs (cards/boards) (sc_inthd.c, pcibios.c)
    -partial detection of bad Xing headers (better length calculation in some cases: if average bitrate seems to be invalid) (in_mp3.c)
    -better OGG parsing and seeking (if something is incorrect in the file, multiply headers in the stream) (in_ogg.c)
    -better http socket/read error handling (drv_http.c)
    -EXTM3U load: -1 length means stream (loadlist.c)
    -DOS4G version: increased stack size (32k->256k) for interrupt decoding (Opus decoder needs this) (au_cards.c, timer.c)

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2013-07-01

    Mpxplay v1.60 alpha 4 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 alpha 4 and alpha 3
    -alternative search displaying at alt-letter: filter (display only) search result in playlist editor (keyboard.c, display.c, playlist.c)
    (you can revert to the old method with PlayListCntrl+16 flag)
    -file-copy (alt-F5) filemask from "." to ".?" (to copy all files from subdirs) (diskfile.c)
    -high cpu usage at stream copy (diskfile.c)
    -MP4 parsing (error handling) (in_mp4.c)
    -DOS: IHD config (speaker setting): -scc 1 enables the speaker (else it's disabled) (sc_inthd.c)
    -removed KeyEditJukebox1 and KeyEditJukebox2 keyboard mappings (j and J), use alt-F1/F2 (keyboard.c, mpxplay.ini)
    -corrected some instability problems (prg-exit and subdir-scan) (mpxplay.c, diskdriv.c)

    Note: DOS versions uses SWSSock tcpip library, which can fail after 20-30 reconnect (changing / checking http streams in a playlist)...


    Last edit: Mpxplay 2013-07-01
  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2013-11-24

    Mpxplay v1.60 beta is released on
    (basically only the DOS version's changed a little bit)

    diffs between v1.60 beta and alpha 4
    -DOS/IHD: added some new PCI ids, modified stream initialization (can help if previous version doesn't give sound)
    -added +2 flag to -scc option (enables/uses the old IHD stream initialization)

  • dos386

    dos386 - 2013-12-05

    Mpxplay v1.60 beta is released on
    (basically only the DOS version's changed a little bit)

    Thank you :-)

    MPXP160G.ZIP 675'636 = $0A'4F34 ~ 660 KiB
    MPXPLAY.EXE 1'114'064 2013-11-24 01:02 | DOG/4S
    MPXPLAY.INI 22'688 2013-07-01 00:51
    Q: Mpxplay sometimes cuts the end of the songs (losing 4-5 seconds).
       Is there any way to play the song completly?
    A: You can disable this function (cut) with the '-sl 0' command line option
       or with the SoundLimit=0 setting (in the mpxplay.ini).
       (or try a low value: 1-5)
    SoundLimitVol=5         ;-sl
    SoundLimitBeg=400       ;check begins at EndOfFile-SoundLimitBeg (in frames)
    SoundLimitLen=23        ;length of check
    - autodetection of filetypes:
      - basically filetypes are checked/detected by file-extensions
      - known (implemented) file-extensions are not autodetected
        (if check-by-extension fails)
      - unknown file-extensions (in playlist or from command-line)
        are autodetected (by their contents)
      - AAC files are not autodetected (with other file extensions)
      - filetypes in DLLs (DTS,MOD) are not autodetected (missing feature)
      - autodetection is disabled in commander mode
      - you can enable the autodetection for known file-extensions
        and in commander mode by the ProgramCntrl+8 flag
      - autodetection is simplier/shorter(/faster) (than normal check) at some
        stream-filetypes (MP2/MP3,MPG,OGG,TS), this can cause parsing-failure
        at bad/incomplete files (use correct extensions at such files)
    ID3-info, file-info loading:
     -inl : don't preload (load at skip only) file informations (header,id3tag) (but MXU/EXTM3U works (has effect))
    ProgramCntrl =0         ;+1:-xce +2:-xas +8:always autodetect filetype
    Preloadinfo  =3         ;0:-inl 1:load at prg start 2:-ipl 3:-idl 4:-ihl
  • dos386

    dos386 - 2013-12-05

    (tested minimally incl. OPUS, no HTTP/FTP)

    Very minor problems/bugs/suggestions:

    .# "SoundLimit=0" in "FAQ.TXT" maybe should be "SoundLimitVol=0" and maybe document the units and how it works

    .# buffer indicator getting red when approaching end of file (try yellow or white? already discussed ...)

    .# make OPUS decoder internal without DLL (already discussed ...)

    .# add TAK support (already discussed ...)

    .# better docs of the HTTP (still no dir support?) and FTP feature, prominently document "-inl" and "Preloadinfo =0"

    .# file type autodetection ... I am able to play my MP5 files with "ProgramCntrl =8" (not default) ... by why doesn't MPXPLAY autodetect when starting to play (if fails to play a WAV misnamed as FLA)

    .# file types ... MPXPLAY doesn't like files like .MP5 or .WEM (WeBM) ... ideas: accept (all .MP0 to .MP5) and both (.WEM and .WEB) or add in MPXPLAY.INI something like:

    ExtraExts = "MP0 MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 WEM WOW"
  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2013-12-06

    Thank You for the testing and feedback.
    1. I will correct the DOCs in the final version.
    2. Buffer indicator is (was) good to me, I wouldn't like to change it
    "was": because I work on a completely different solution (probably you will see it in January), keeping, but not modifying too much in the console display / versions.
    Some people will be not happy, others will be (I hope so)... :D
    3. OPUS: too big for this (and not so popular)
    4. I did try it, but I couldn't do it. The TAK bitstream format is not really good. No documents, and the FFMPEG source seems to be bad.
    5. HTTP/HTTP/-inl : please write down, what would like to see in DOCs. btw. I plan to make a new (default) -itl option : it will load the selected tabs completely.
    6. auto-content detection: I will think on it, but some formats can crash Mpxplay, if it begins to detect them (especially AAC decoder is not stable for unknown/bad streams)
    7. Official extensions are supported. But I plan to add such ExtraExts.

  • dos386

    dos386 - 2013-12-07

    Thank you for the answer (see below)

    Vendor $125D ESS Technology
    Device $1978 ES1978 Maestro-2E Audiodrive, ES1970 Canyon3D
    Command 5 (I/O Access, BusMaster)
    Status $0290 (Capabilities List, Back-To-Back Trans, Medium Timing)
    Revision $10, Header Type 0, Bus Latency Timer $40
    Minimum Bus Grant 2, Maximum Bus Latency $18
    Self test 0 (Self test not supported)
    PCI Class Multimedia, type Audio
    Subsystem ID $B112'0E11
    Subsystem Vendor $0E11
    Address 0 is an I/O Port: $0000'3000
    System IRQ 11, INT# A
    New Capabilities List Present:
      Power Management Capability, Version 1.1
        Supports low power State D1 | Supports low power State D2
        Supports PME# signalling from mode(s) D1, D2, D3hot
        PME# signalling is currently disabled
        Current Power State : D0 (Device operational, no power saving)
    ROM PCI IRQ routing table
    ROM IRQ routing table found at $F000:$0970
    Table Version 1.0 - OK
    Table size 0 bytes - Invalid Size!
    IRQ's dedicated to PCI : 11
    The ROM PCI IRQ routing table appears to be faulty !!!
    IRQ Summary: IRQ's 11,14,15 are used by PCI devices
    Shared IRQ's: IRQ 11 is shared by 7 (seven !!!) PCI Devices
  • dos386

    dos386 - 2013-12-07
    1. I will correct the DOCs in the final version.


    1. Buffer indicator is (was) good to me, I wouldn't like to change it
      "was": because I work on a completely different solution (probably you
      will see it in January), keeping, but not modifying too much in
      the console display / versions.

    See it in January in 1.60beta2 or 1.61alpha0 ?

    1. OPUS: too big for this (and not so popular)

    OPUSDEC app is 170 KiB plain or 100 KiB ZIP'ped ... your DLL 136 KiB plain or 80 KiB ZIP'ped ... I'll ask for 1.61 again, hopefully it will be more popular then.

    1. I did try it, but I couldn't do it. The TAK
      bitstream format is not really good. No documents,
      and the FFMPEG source seems to be bad.

    Good compression, bad code :-(

    1. HTTP/HTTP/-inl : please write down, what would like to see
      in DOCs. btw. I plan to make a new (default) -itl option :
      it will load the selected tabs completely.

    a) I don't understand ... "-itl" is "set album tag" ?

    b) I'd like to see (as far as true):

    • MPXPLAY supports FTP:
      • can play files directly from FTP servers
      • can download and locally save files (like any other FTP client / file manager with FTP support)
      • can browse FTP directories
      • can access password protected servers (if you supply correct username and password)
    • MPXPLAY supports HTTP:

      • can play files directly from HTTP servers
      • can download and locally save files
      • cannot browse HTTP directories (unlike web browsers or MPXPLAY's FTP feature)
      • cannot work if file is "protected from hotlinking"
      • cannot access sites needing login to "see" or download files
      • cannot access (rare) password protected HTTP servers
    • Common notes for FTP and HTTP:

      • can play directly from the FTP or HTTP server (no need to download or store the complete file, can run on hardware with no or a very small harddisk if it can use the network instead)
      • cannot write or upload to FTP or HTTP server, modify audio file metadata, delte files, etc
      • cannot act as FTP or HTTP server
      • in DOS version it uses the SWSOCK library, needs a packet driver, you may have to edit the file "SWS_SOCK.INI"
      • it's strongly recommended to set "Preloadinfo =0" in "MPXPLAY.INI" or specify "-inl" in commandline (otherwise preloading / predetecting files can be very slow and make the program unresponsive)
    1. auto-content detection: I will think on it, but some formats can
      crash Mpxplay, if it begins to detect them (especially AAC decoder
      is not stable for unknown/bad streams)

    So far you detect by calling the external libraries? A more native detection would be faster and more reliable (but needs work, some formats are bad (MP3 ? AAC?) (crashing AAC decoder is indeed not acceptable, I am not familiar with AAC, btw). For many formats the detection is trivial and reliable (FLAC, WAVPACK, TAK, FLV, Matroska/WeBM, ...) or at least feasible (OGG, WAV, AVI, ...).

    1. Official extensions are supported.

    "WEB" for "WEBM" is bad since "WEBP" truncates to very same "WEB" too :-)

    But I plan to add such ExtraExts.

    COOL :-)

    PS: the old PCI sound chip (see above)

    Vendor $125D ESS Technology
    Device $1978 ES1978 Maestro-2E Audiodrive, ES1970 Canyon3D

    is not supported ("-sct" finds nothing, and it's not listed as supported). Would it be difficult to add it?

    Other minor ideas about "-sct":

    • give info about what's going on ("Detecting possible ISA sound chips ... may hang temporarily or in rare cases permanently" and "Detecting possible PCI and PCIe sound chips ... may hang temporarily or in rare cases permanently"

    • report unsupported chip too ("Found unsupported PCI sound chip: V=$125D D=$1978)


    Last edit: dos386 2013-12-07
  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2013-12-07

    "See it in January in 1.60beta2 or 1.61alpha0 ?"

    Probably I will close the latest (beta1) release as v1.60 final,
    and I continue with new functions in the next release (on the way).
    I still think on the version number, currently it's named to v2.00 ... :D

    Oops, you are right, that option name is already used... (I don't know my own program)

    "cannot write or upload to FTP"
    I think so this is not true.
    Only the file modifications are not supported by FTP standard.

    "it's strongly recommended to set "Preloadinfo =0" in "MPXPLAY.INI" "
    This is true. But basically the FTP server is slow.
    It's too much work to do anything with this (later I will do, when I drop DOS version)
    There is an Mpxplay behavior, same on local disks and FTP servers too.

    The HTTP directory handling is almost impossible. No standard for that.
    When you open a www page without index.html, the server creates a html page from the directories. But this created html page is different at every WEB servers.
    (unable to read/detect the filename, date, filesize columns from that html page)
    But let me know, if I missed something... :)

    "So far you detect by calling the external libraries?"
    To detect an audio stream format (AAC, AC3, MP3), we have to open the decoder for this, trying to decode the stream. This takes long time too. I have thousands of a/v files, but only one is misnamed. If you rename an EXE to MP3, you also will not able to execute it...
    The function is implemented, but not enabled by default.

    "report unsupported chip too"
    I use the BIOS-PCI functions to handle the PCI cards, and unfortunatelly it cannot give a list about the connected devices. I need a port number (mem address) to handle a PCI soundcard, but I get it only if I give an exact device and vendor id (2x2 bytes),
    so I can use only my dev-lists, trying all devices on it (30+ at Intel HDA).

    It's some days to add a new soundcard to Mpxplay, but I don't work on it.
    Intel HDA cards are very popular, I will maintenance/support those only.

  • dos386

    dos386 - 2013-12-11

    Only the file modifications are not supported by FTP standard.

    So MPX can upload files to FTP servers, just the tag stuff of audio files can't be edited?

    later I will do, when I drop DOS version

    Please keep doping DROS the same way as you did during past 10 years :-)))

    There is an Mpxplay behavior, same on local disks and FTP servers too.

    I know. Just local disk are usually less slow than FTP.

    The HTTP directory handling is almost impossible. No standard for that.

    Good. Just document it (MPX is NOT a browser ...).

    If you rename an EXE to MP3, you also will not able to execute it

    • Rename EXE to MP5 -> doesn't run :-(
    • Rename EXE to COM -> does run
    • Rename TXT to COM -> hangs :-(

    DOS is dumb (but I don't want to switch to Win/Lin/OSama\2).

  • dos386

    dos386 - 2013-12-12

    Well, if the good old unsupported "ES1978 Maestro" can't be added, maybe the newer and supported (RTFM) "ES1878" could get fixed?


  • dos386

    dos386 - 2013-12-12

    Post awaiting moderation.

    Excellent (I don't see the post myself). What evil 4-letter word did I use this time?

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2014-02-11

    Mpxplay 1.60 beta 2 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 beta 2 and beta 1
    -handling of http URLs without filenames (drv_http.c)
    -bad PlayStartTime (-pst) calculation (time.c)
    -select-all (ctrl-'+') and invert-selection (alt-'*') first entry (not selected) at playlists (editlist.c)
    -missing system-shutdown at ExitEndList (-xel) (mpxplay.c, keyboard.c)
    -possible crash caused by (missing) au-mixer fields (au_mixer.c)
    -more precise startup song position in some cases (startup.c)
    -http status messages changes (drv_http.c)

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2014-02-17

    DLL input plugin updates for console versions:

    AD_OPUS v1.60.2 : uses Opus codec v1.1 from now

    IN_MOD v1.59.3:
    Uses libmodplug
    The Win32 versions can play PAT and probably ABC and MID files too, but the ABC is not tested, a correct MID (midi) file handling needs a Timidity library (PAT + cfg) install, which is also not tested.
    In the DOS (DOS4G) version, the ABC and MID file handling is disabled, because those parts of the libmodplug are not DOS-DLL friendly. The PAT playing works anyway.

    Other console DLL input plugins are not updated (even if you see a newer version number & date), because they are not changed in binary.

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2014-04-17

    Mpxplay 1.60 beta 3 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 beta 3 and beta 2
    -http: added CHUNKED stream handling (some inet-radios use this mode) (drv_http.c)
    -crossfade at different freqs and at http streams (au_mixer.c, mx_freq.c, mpxplay.c)
    -DOS/IHD: modified stream init, corrected -scc +2 flag (now it should work on more cards) (sc_inthd.c)
    -DOS/SB16: corrected hw tone control (went wrong in alpha1) (fx_tone.c)
    -win32: possible bad timing under Win7 (timer.c)
    -other various stability fixes

  • dos386

    dos386 - 2014-06-19

    Post awaiting moderation.

    Could you please approve my post above ?

    The OPUS support is still buggy (some files don't play ...)

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2014-07-01

    Thnx, I will check this later.
    It's summertime here... :)

  • Wengier

    Wengier - 2014-07-26

    I have tested the Win32 console version of MPXPLAY 1.60 beta 3 in Windows 8.1 Pro x64 editon. However, it does not really work; it is useless to press any key after starting MPXPLAY. It worked in Windows 7 though.


    Last edit: Wengier 2014-07-26
  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2014-10-05

    Mpxplay v1.60 beta 4 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 beta 4 and beta 3
    -added Opus multichannel decoding (in_ogg.c, ad_opus.dll)
    -added Opus handling to MKV (ff_mkv.c)
    -corrected OGG duration calculation (in_ogg.c)
    -corrected ASF duration calculation (in_asf.c)
    -corrected bitstream demux (-o -obs) (in_file.c, au_mixer.c)
    -DOS: added new PCI IDs (codecs) to Intel HDA (sc_inthd.c)
    -DOS: mem-leak bug in text display output (came out with "-fl -ds c" options) (textdisp.c)

    AD_OPUS decoder DLLs are also updated (needed for the multichannel decoding).

    Sorry, but I don't think so that there will be any bugfix for this...

    Thank You for the tests. Did I forget to correct something?


    Last edit: Mpxplay 2014-10-05
  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2014-10-26

    Mpxplay v1.60 beta 5 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 beta 5 and beta 4
    -MOV/MP4: parsing (with wave or unknown atoms), reading and writing metadata (in_mp4.c)
    -demuxing (internal seeking) of video files (basically at MKV) (mpxinbuf.c)
    -autosave of cue file (MPXP1000.CUE) after drive scan (-ds c) (wrong full path) (savelist.c)

    Output encoder DLLs are also updated for Mpxplay v1.60, but they are not tested nor supported too much.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-11-06

    I'm currently using the DOS version with TCP/IP and packet drivers to play internet radio streams, HTTP served with SHOUTcast using AAC and MP3. Seems to work good, just needs a way to endlessly loop back into the stream when disconnected from server. Also I cannot figure out a way to see the metadata (song titles) in the MPXplay window. Did I miss it?

    EDIT: I will try the loop playlist option and see how that works.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2014-11-06
  • dos386

    dos386 - 2014-11-09

    Mpxplay v1.60 beta 5 is released on

    Thanks, very good: OPUS seems fixed, OPUS inside MKV seems to work :-)

    But there are 2 regressions:

    • Some OGG Vorbis files don't play anymore, I didn't find anything strange inside them besides "stream ID" = ZERO, and I can't submit them as they are highly private :-(

    • Length of some (short?) MP5 files is reported badly (too short: 20s -> 10s)

    Thank You for the tests. Did I forget to correct something?

    Is there a way to add custom file extensions (MP5, WEM, OUS, ...) ? (OPUS - 7 MiO)

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2014-11-09

    1. I've modified the Ogg stream handling due to the http streams. I'll look around...
    2. I should see those MP5 files (can you send me one on email?)
    3. I'll add custom file extensions to the next version only (1.61)

    Sorry, but I don't plan to add such control to the http low level routines.
    Yeah, you can use the playlist loop option, but the SWSsock library also has connection bugs, maybe you must to exit from the program at the case of connection problems. (and restart it). So rather put Mpxplay in a batch file with endless loop, and use -xel option.

    mpxplay -xel radio.m3u
    goto back_label

    And I plan to add the reading of http metadata, but only in the next version (1.61), and probably it will be disabled by default, because most of the radio channels in my list give unusefull or ugly metadata.


    Last edit: Mpxplay 2014-11-09
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-11-10

    Thank you!

    I changed my autoexec to use -xel and the loop feature. So if I understand right, when there's a disconnect, it will exit and continue to restart until the stream plays? If so then all is perfect :)

    And before I even made those changes, the current one running the newest version without -xel has been connected for 4 days, a new stability record!


    Last edit: Anonymous 2014-11-10
  • dos386

    dos386 - 2014-12-01
    1. The OGG Vorbis problem is indeed due to "stream ID" = ZERO , to reproduce , just encode any WAV with "force ID" to ZERO.

    2. MP5 problem not yet tested

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2015-01-16

    Mpxplay v1.60 beta 6 is released on

    diffs between v1.60 beta 6 and beta 5
    -added new LoadID3tag flag: +16: preload informations from slow devices too (ftp,http) (disabled by default)
    -faster file open (removed duplicated file open) at pressing enter
    -F3 (multi fileinfo) behavior / editor-navigation
    -sort control at EXT,FILESIZE,FILEDATE orders
    -ID3 tag writing on http entries (mem leak, wrong error message)
    -Ogg demuxing / playing when single-stream serial is zero or (http) stream losts sync
    -soundcard detect retry with default audio values (if config values were wrong, the program didn't start)
    - -db and -db2 options (together too)
    -mpxplay.ini read (error) protection
    -MP4 file error protection
    -bitstream output mem-leak (-obs)
    -WDS output: mono playing
    -FPL list with http entries

    New bug: program doesn't work properly with -bs, -bn options (will be corrected in the next release)

  • Mpxplay

    Mpxplay - 2015-02-08

    Mpxplay v1.60 final is released on

    diffs between v1.60 final and beta 6
    -corrected crossfade
    -FLAC: improved stability (extra bitstream checkings)
    -starting new song with entrer key and using -bn/-bs options


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