


MPlayer and its libraries are built using MinGW-w64 & MSYS2, a minimal Unix-like shell & collection of GNU utilities for Windows. The GCC version used is 6.2.0. A complete build environment and sources used to compile the libraries included in MPlayer are available at the following URL:

  • Download the MSYS2 package and a MinGW toolchain. Extract MSYS2 anywhere in a path without spaces.
  • Extract mingw32 and/or mingw64 to the MSYS2 directory.
  • Edit 'etc\fstab' and the 'local_prefix' value in the gcc spec file accordingly:
    • 32-bit: mingw32\lib\gcc\i686-w64-mingw32\6.2.0\specs
    • 64-bit: mingw64\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\6.2.0\specs
  • Launch the MSYS2 shell by executing 'mingw32.exe' for 32-bit or 'mingw64.exe' for 64-bit.


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