

  • Travis Graham

    Travis Graham - 2003-07-11

    Where is this file located??  I downloaded v0.80, installed using make and everything is working great.  Just can't find the .conf file so I can use the mini skin.


    • Travis Graham

      Travis Graham - 2003-07-14

      Ok, I've searched my entire computer and cannot find the file mplayerplug-in.conf.  Does this file exist in v0.80??  If it doesn't, can I make one??

      • Kevin DeKorte

        Kevin DeKorte - 2003-07-14

        Yes, go ahead and great the file... look at the howto page on where it goes. since th .conf file is optional one is not included.

    • Kevin DeKorte

      Kevin DeKorte - 2003-09-10

      There is a default config file in /etc now with the 0.90 and higher packages.


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