
Majestic Pixel Team / News: Recent posts

Name change

The Majestic Pixel Foundation is hereby known as the Majestic Pixel Team.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-09-24

Arylon is frozen

I've decided to freeze the Arylon project. I made up my mind one day and realized that I wanted to write games, not engines for making games. So right now the development is very much dead, although you can still access the source and the files through the project CVS and FRS.
What are my plans now, mind myself asking? I've really wanted to learn a graphical toolkit and I would like to see the excellent map-maker utility Mappy ( properly ported to Unix, and lo! Suddenly I have a couple of months of happy hacking just around the corner. :)
Apart from porting Mappy to Unix, I want to spend some time tinkering with David Olofson's great PIG-engine.
I'm a busy geek, indeed. Give me ze soda and good night! :D

Posted by Anonymous 2004-04-30

Celebrating the grand opening!

The new Majestic Pixel site is now operational and ready to be used. :)
I'll have to restructure the entire site, though...

Posted by Anonymous 2004-04-26


Welcome to the new Majestic Pixel. :)

Posted by Anonymous 2004-04-22