
reset session statistic

  • serg

    serg - 2012-03-29

    Hi for all. Can mpd5 reset statistic on sessions with CoA? Or i need only drop session? Can find info. Thanks.

  • Dmitriy Zamuraev

    what did you mean about statistics

  • serg

    serg - 2012-03-29

    How  to reset trafic statistic. Вы случайно не с локала ? ник знакомый =) Мне нужно сбрасывать счетчики трафика в начале месяца не хотелось бы дропать сессии … Спасибо, за быстрый ответ.

  • Dmitriy Zamuraev

    this radius attributes:

    42  Acct-Input-Octets       -   -   +   -
    43  Acct-Output-Octets      -   -   +   -
    47  Acct-Input-Packets      -   -   +   -
    48  Acct-Output-Packets     -   -   +   -
    52  Acct-Input-Gigawords    -   -   +   -
    53  Acct-Output-Gigawords   -   -   +   -


  • serg

    serg - 2012-03-29

    I tried to set this attributes to 0. I saw in mpd that CoA request comes. But it does not works. I will try one more time.

  • Alexander Motin

    Alexander Motin - 2012-03-29

    If with statistics you mean these attributes:
    42  Acct-Input-Octets - - + -
    43  Acct-Output-Octets - - + -
    47  Acct-Input-Packets - - + -
    48  Acct-Output-Packets - - + -
    52  Acct-Input-Gigawords - - + -
    53  Acct-Output-Gigawords - - + -
    , then probably the only way now is to break connection. There is technical possibility to clear these counters, but now it is done only when link joins the bundle, not on CoA.

    If you mean these attributes:
    8   mpd-input-octets            -       -       +       -                      
    9   mpd-input-packets           -       -       +       -                      
    10  mpd-output-octets           -       -       +       -                      
    11  mpd-output-packets          -       -       +       -                      
    , they should reset on CoA, because the filters are reloaded.

  • Dmitriy Zamuraev

    no, mpd does not clear iface stats.

    maybe you need to manually send messages to ng_ppp nodes:
    man ng_ppp:

              This command takes a two byte link number as an argument and clears
              the statistics for that link.
    # ngctl msg "[40b637]": getstats 0
    Rec'd response "getstats" (4) from "[40b637]:":
    Args:   { xmitFrames=139 xmitOctets=17645 recvFrames=30 recvOctets=3708 }
    # ngctl msg "[40b637]": clrstats 0
    #  ngctl msg "[40b637]": getstats 0
    Rec'd response "getstats" (4) from "[40b637]:":
    Args:   { xmitFrames=2 xmitOctets=147 recvFrames=1 recvOctets=10 }
  • serg

    serg - 2012-03-29



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