
#62 set link mtu working ?


I have been deploying hundreds of pfsense firewalls for many years in several countries.
Some time for some users only with a French operator, they suffer from a problem of MTU.
We only have 1456.
As the real consequences are very limited, I did not dig into the subject.
But this is becoming more and more problematic.

Of course I tried with a dozen modem in bridge and also with different optical fiber.
Every time I switch the modem to router mode I get an MTU at 1492

My first step was to understand why old versions had never been a problem for me. Then I tried to force the options of MTU set link 1492, set link mtu, set link mrru ....
to understand that whatever the value proposed it had no impact

Then I explored the logs to see this can of shit :

Jun 21 10:50:50 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x1c372bff
Jun 21 10:50:50 ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
Jun 21 10:50:50 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1456
Jun 21 10:50:50 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #126 (Opened)

I made the game to create an ADSL user on another operator using the links of the one who poses a problem .. And by magic I have my 1492. So I conclude that it is the operator who sends me that rotten trading message that many modem do not support.

I think it would be wonderful if the mpd configuration would be a priority at any mtu negotiation

Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD
process 66965 started, version 5.8 (nobody@pfSense_v2_4_2_amd64-pfSense_v2_4_2-job-14 18:47 16-Nov-2017)

cat /var/etc/mpd_wan.conf
# configure the console
set console close
set web close

create bundle static wan
set bundle enable ipv6cp
set iface name pppoe1
set iface route default
set iface disable on-demand
set iface idle 0
set iface enable tcpmssfix
set iface up-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkup
set iface down-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkdown
set ipcp ranges
set ipcp enable req-pri-dns
set ipcp enable req-sec-dns

create link static wan_link0 pppoe
set link action bundle wan
set link disable multilink
set link keep-alive 10 60
set link max-redial 0
set link disable chap pap
set link accept chap pap eap
set link disable incoming
set link mtu 1492
set link mru 1492
set auth authname "myuser"
set auth password MYPASSWORD
set pppoe service "BADOPERATOR"
set pppoe iface re1.835

pppoe1: flags=88d1<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1456
inet X.X.X.X --> X.X.X.X netmask 0xffffffff
inet6 fe80::230:18ff:fe03:6246%pppoe1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc


1 2 3 > >> (Page 1 of 3)
  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-21

    PPP MTU is determined by negotiation of values supported by client and server sides. PPP standard states it cannot exceed either value. So, both sides must use minimum of two values for PPP link mtu.

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-21

    I am agree with notion execpt for this case.
    it's been more than 2 years that I fight with the operator.

    do you see this part :

    Of course I tried with a dozen modem in bridge and also with different optical fiber.
    Every time I switch the modem to router mode I get an MTU at 1492

    I dream of an option that would break this negotiation that hundreds of materials do not even know how to do.

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-21

    Please comment out both of "set link mtu/set link mru" commands and post logs of mpd5 establishing the link for case when you get MTU less than 1492.

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-21

    Hi Eugene,

    and here are the logs and the conf.
    May be there is a way to have verbose mode.

    Thank you for caring about this issue which is in my opinion very specific to this carrier

    cat /var/etc/mpd_wan.conf
    # configure the console
    set console close
    # configure the web server**
    set web close

    create bundle static wan
    set bundle enable ipv6cp
    set iface name pppoe1
    set iface route default
    set iface disable on-demand
    set iface idle 0
    set iface enable tcpmssfix
    set iface up-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkup
    set iface down-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkdown
    set ipcp ranges
    set ipcp enable req-pri-dns
    set ipcp enable req-sec-dns
    #log -bund -ccp -chat -iface -ipcp -lcp -link

    create link static wan_link0 pppoe
    set link action bundle wan
    set link disable multilink
    set link keep-alive 10 60
    set link max-redial 0
    set link disable chap pap
    set link accept chap pap eap
    set link disable incoming

    set link mtu 1492

    set auth authname "fti/xxxxx"
    set auth password xxxxxxxxx
    set pppoe service "ORANGE"
    set pppoe iface re1.835

    Jun 21 22:25:21 ppp [wan] IFACE: Rename interface ng0 to pppoe1
    Jun 21 22:25:21 ppp [wan] IFACE: Up event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] x.X.X.X ->
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerUp
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] SECDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] PRIDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPADDR X.X.X.X
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] SECDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] PRIDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPADDR X.X.X.X
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #3
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] SECDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] PRIDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] X.X.X.X is OK
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPADDR X.X.X.X
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #2 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerFinish
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Req-Sent --> Stopped
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: protocol was rejected by peer
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: protocol IPV6CP was rejected
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #128 (Opened)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] SECDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] PRIDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPADDR
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPADDR
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigAck #99
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] is OK
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPADDR
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #99 (Req-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Up event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] SECDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] PRIDNS
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPADDR
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: Up event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerStart
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Open event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerStart
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] IPCP: Open event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] Link: Join bundle "wan"
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "wan" ""'
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: authorization successful
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MESG: CHAP authentication success, unit 12287
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #1 len: 43
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 32
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: Using authname "fti/zer46ke"
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] Name: "LNSTL658"
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 29
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerUp
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x40eb884f
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Opened --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x4e26a34b
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1456
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #127
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x40eb884f
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #3
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerDown
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x4e26a34b
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1456
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #127 (Opened)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 32
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: Using authname "fti/zer46ke"
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] Name: "BSMSO681"
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 29
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerUp
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x40eb884f
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #2 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x40eb884f
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #2
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x4e26a34b
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #69
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x4e26a34b
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #69 (Req-Sent)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x40eb884f
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Up event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] Link: UP event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: connection successful
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "BSMSO681-H104L0916L02BX"
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to 'ORANGE'
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerStart
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Open event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan_link0] Link: OPEN event
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp [wan] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp web: web is not running
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp process 63385 started, version 5.8 (nobody@pfSense_v2_4_2_amd64-pfSense_v2_4_2-job-14 18:47 16-Nov-2017)
    Jun 21 22:25:20 ppp Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD


    Last edit: Xavier Lemaire 2018-06-21
  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-22

    Your provider's PPPoE behaviour is strange as it agrees on 1492 value first but then re-negotiates insisting on lower 1456 value after first attempt of authorization on your side.
    Try this:

    1. Add commands "set link no protocomp" and "set ipcp no vjcomp" as your provider does not support these options anyway. This won't hurt and will speedup establishing connection a bit. Make sure you add commands to right places of the config near other "set link" and "set ipcp" commands. Remove or comment out "set bundle enable ipv6cp".
    2. If above changes do not help with MTU, uncomment "log" command and change it to "log +lcp +lcp2 +echo +auth +bund +bund2 +iface +iface2 +link +ecp" and post logs again.

    You have mentioned that you can get MTU=1492 if modem changed to router mode. Can you get some PPP logs from the modem? It would help to "simulate" same behaviour using mpd5 config.

  • Dmitry S. Lukhtionov

    set pppoe max-payload size

    Set PPP-Max-Payload PPPoE tag (RFC4638). This option works when mpd5 acts as PPPoE client only. This option takes precedence over both set link mtu and set link mru options, if PPPoE server agrees with our setting.


    Last edit: Dmitry S. Lukhtionov 2018-06-22
  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-22

    We are testing right now.. this first test with modem changed to router mode

    300Mbps Wireless N USB VDSL/ADSL Modem Router

    Model No. TD-W9970

    1 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">
    2 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">
    3 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">
    4 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0xff <addr"">]

    5 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0xff <addr"">]
    6 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">]
    7 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x1 "CHAP authentication success, unit 21912"]
    8 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x486f2076]
    9 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <843ad7e0a87e7d60468da2ec620bfdb9>, name = "fti/xxxxxxx"]
    10 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <a5038f2b7a57577cea1c92f576aabca2>, name = "LNMSO657"]
    11 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x452487ee]
    12 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x452487ee="">]
    13 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x48 <mru 1456=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    14 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x452487ee="">]
    15 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
    16 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
    17 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x48 <mru 1456=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    18 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x486f2076]
    19 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <ce3f7255053631557690bb1395fa3a4a>, name = "fti/xxxxxx"]
    20 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <7ff23ecd2f367b9ba69433f784ab9198>, name = "BSTOU652"]
    21 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x2d52371e]
    22 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x2d52371e="">]
    23 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x36 <mru 1492=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    24 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x36 <mru 1492=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    25 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x2d52371e="">]
    26 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000de0)]
    27 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Error ppp1
    28 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x3]
    29 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Error ppp1 User request
    30 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"]
    31 2018-06-22 11:12:28 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
    32 2018-06-22 11:12:28 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
    33 2018-06-22 11:12:28 PPP Error ppp1 User request

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-22

    So sencond test in bridge mode with the same modem and the change you ask to me.

    I hope its can help

    I try set pppoe max-payload size with and with out set link mtu 1492 and i dont see any diference

    cat mpd_opt1.conf
    # configure the console
    set console close
    # configure the web server
    set web close

    create bundle static opt1
    #set bundle enable ipv6cp
    set iface name pppoe1
    set iface disable on-demand
    set iface idle 0
    set iface enable tcpmssfix
    set iface up-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkup
    set iface down-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkdown
    set ipcp no vjcomp
    set ipcp ranges
    set ipcp enable req-pri-dns
    set ipcp enable req-sec-dns
    log -bund -ccp -chat -iface -ipcp -lcp -link

    create link static opt1_link0 pppoe
    set link no protocomp
    set link action bundle opt1
    set link disable multilink
    set link keep-alive 10 60
    set link max-redial 0
    set link disable chap pap
    set link accept chap pap eap
    set link disable incoming
    set auth authname "fti/xxxxxxxxx"
    set auth password xxxxxx
    set pppoe service ""
    set pppoe iface igb2

    Jun 22 12:46:28 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Change interface pppoe1 flags: -0 +1
    Jun 22 12:46:28 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Rename interface ng1 to pppoe1
    Jun 22 12:46:28 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Up event
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] system: /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkup pppoe1 inet '-' 'dns1' 'dns2' '00:00:00:00:00:00' '-'
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Add address> to pppoe1
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Connecting tcpmssfix
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] x.x.x.x ->
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: LayerUp
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #2 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPADDR x.x.x.x
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] is OK
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPADDR x.x.x.x
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #1 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: SendConfigAck #83
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] is OK
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #83 (Req-Sent)
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: Up event
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: LayerStart
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IPCP: Open event
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1] IFACE: setting pppoe1 MTU to 1456 bytes
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: Join bundle "opt1"
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "opt1" ""'
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift AUTHENTICATE --> NETWORK
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: authorization successful
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MESG: CHAP authentication success, unit 27731
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #1 len: 43
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 32
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: Using authname "fti/xxxxxxx"
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] Name: "LNMSO657"
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 29
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerUp
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> AUTHENTICATE
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0xf1dba588
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #2 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift AUTHENTICATE --> ESTABLISH
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Opened --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x58640740
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1456
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #148
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0xf1dba588
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #2
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerDown
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x58640740
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1456
    Jun 22 12:46:27 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #148 (Opened)
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 32
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: Using authname "fti/xxxxxx"
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] Name: "BSTOU652"
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 29
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerUp
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> AUTHENTICATE
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0xf1dba588
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #1 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x58640740
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #64
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x58640740
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #64 (Req-Sent)
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0xf1dba588
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift DEAD --> ESTABLISH
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Up event
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: UP event
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: connection successful
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "BSTOU652-H101L4610L000D"
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerStart
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Open event
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: OPEN event
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp [opt1] Bundle: Interface ng1 created
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp web: web is not running
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp process 82486 started, version 5.8 (nobody@pfSense_v2_4_2_amd64-pfSense_v2_4_2-job-14 18:47 16-Nov-2017)
    Jun 22 12:46:26 ppp Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD

    • Eugene Grosbein

      Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-22

      Now I see the problem. But you forgot to change "log" command in the mpd5 configutation to "log +lcp +lcp2 +echo +auth +bund +bund2 +iface +iface2 +link +ecp" to produce verbose logs and I steel need them to produce a solution. Please do that, re-establish connection using mpd5 and post logs. I'm sure your problem should be fixable.

    • Dmitry S. Lukhtionov

      I do not see "set pppoe max-payload" option in your config file

      • Xavier Lemaire

        Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-25

        during my tests I did not see any differences. And here it works without the option. Today I will deploy the update on a lot of pfsense

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-22

    With MTU at 1492 in conf
    and the result is MTU is good and forced

    300Mbps Wireless N USB VDSL/ADSL Modem Router

    Model No. TD-W9970

    1 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">
    2 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">
    3 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">
    4 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0xff <addr"">]

    5 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0xff <addr"">]
    6 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr""> <ms-dns1""> <ms-dns2"">]
    7 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x1 "CHAP authentication success, unit 21912"]
    8 2018-06-22 11:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x486f2076]
    9 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, name = "fti/xxxxxxx"]
    10 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, name = "LNMSO657"]
    11 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x452487ee]
    12 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x452487ee="">]
    13 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x48 <mru 1456=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    14 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x452487ee="">]
    15 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
    16 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
    17 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x48 <mru 1456=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    18 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x486f2076]
    19 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, name = "fti/xxxxxx"]
    20 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, name = "BSTOU652"]
    21 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x2d52371e]
    22 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x2d52371e="">]
    23 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x36 <mru 1492=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    24 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x36 <mru 1492=""> <auth chap="" MD5=""> <magic 0x486f2076="">]
    25 2018-06-22 11:12:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1492=""> <magic 0x2d52371e="">]
    26 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000de0)]
    27 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Error ppp1
    28 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x3]
    29 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Error ppp1 User request
    30 2018-06-22 11:12:29 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"]
    31 2018-06-22 11:12:28 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
    32 2018-06-22 11:12:28 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
    33 2018-06-22 11:12:28 PPP Error ppp1 User request

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-22

    Also, mpd5 has very useful "console" feature to inspect internal settings of running connection but your configuration disables it. Please change "set console close" to commands:

    set user username password admin
    set console self 5005
    set console open

    Replace "username" and "password" with values you like. This will allow you to connect to mpd5 console with a command "telnet 5005" when needed.

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-23


    Done here are the logs and the conf.
    Last time i think i had goog log level but i dont copy past my changes
    Console is nice.

    [] log
    Log Option Enabled Description
    ---------- ------- -----------
    BUND Yes Bundle events
    BUND2 Yes Detailed bundle events
    LINK Yes Link events
    REP Yes Repeater events
    LCP Yes LCP negotiation
    LCP2 Yes LCP events and debugging
    AUTH Yes Link authentication events
    AUTH2 No Link authentication details
    IPCP Yes IPCP negotiation
    IPCP2 No IPCP events and debugging
    IPV6CP Yes IPV6CP negotiation
    IPV6CP2 No IPV6CP events and debugging
    CCP Yes CCP negotiation
    CCP2 No CCP events and debugging
    ECP Yes ECP negotiation
    ECP2 No ECP events and debugging
    FSM Yes All FSM events (except echo & reset)
    ECHO Yes Echo/reply events for all automata
    PHYS Yes Physical layer events
    PHYS2 No Physical layer debug
    PHYS3 No Physical layer control packet dump
    CHAT Yes Modem chat script
    CHAT2 No Chat script extra debugging output
    IFACE Yes IP interface and route management
    IFACE2 Yes IP interface and route management debug
    FRAME No Dump all incoming & outgoing frames
    RADIUS Yes Radius authentication events
    RADIUS2 No Radius authentication debug
    CONSOLE Yes Console events
    EVENTS No Daemon events debug

    # configure the console
    set user username password admin
    set console self 5005
    set console open
    # configure the web server
    set web close

    create bundle static opt1
    set bundle enable ipv6cp
    set iface name pppoe1
    set iface disable on-demand
    set iface idle 0
    set iface enable tcpmssfix
    set iface up-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkup
    set iface down-script /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkdown
    set ipcp ranges
    set ipcp enable req-pri-dns
    set ipcp enable req-sec-dns
    log +lcp +lcp2 +echo +auth +bund +bund2 +iface +iface2 +link +ecp

        create link static opt1_link0 pppoe
        set link action bundle opt1
        set link disable multilink
        set link keep-alive 10 60
        set link max-redial 0
        set link disable chap pap
        set link accept chap pap eap
        set link disable incoming
        set auth authname "fti/xxxxxxxxxxx"
        set auth password xxxxxxxxxxx
        set pppoe service ""
        set pppoe iface igb2

    /usr/local/sbin/mpd5 -b -k -d /var/etc -f mpd_opt1.conf -p /var/run/ -s ppp pppoeclient

    Jun 23 08:53:52 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendEchoRep #4
    Jun 23 08:53:52 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Echo Request #4 (Opened)
    Jun 23 08:53:22 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendEchoRep #3
    Jun 23 08:53:22 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Echo Request #3 (Opened)
    Jun 23 08:53:18 ppp CONSOLE: username: log
    Jun 23 08:52:54 ppp CONSOLE: Failed login attempt from
    Jun 23 08:52:51 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendEchoRep #2
    Jun 23 08:52:51 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Echo Request #2 (Opened)
    Jun 23 08:52:44 ppp CONSOLE: Failed login attempt from
    Jun 23 08:52:20 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendEchoRep #1
    Jun 23 08:52:20 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Echo Request #1 (Opened)
    Jun 23 08:52:07 ppp CONSOLE: Failed login attempt from
    Jun 23 08:51:59 ppp CONSOLE: Allocated new console session 0x803261010 from
    Jun 23 08:51:59 ppp CONSOLE: Connect
    Jun 23 08:51:50 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendEchoRep #0
    Jun 23 08:51:50 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Echo Request #0 (Opened)
    Jun 23 08:51:20 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Change interface pppoe1 flags: -0 +1
    Jun 23 08:51:20 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Rename interface ng1 to pppoe1
    Jun 23 08:51:20 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Up event
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] system: /usr/local/sbin/ppp-linkup pppoe1 inet X.X.X.X/32 '-' 'dns1' 'dns2' '00:00:00:00:00:00' '-'
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Add address X.X.X.X/32-> to pppoe1
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IFACE: Connecting tcpmssfix
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] X.X.X.X ->
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: LayerUp
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPADDR X.X.X.X
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPADDR X.X.X.X
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #3
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] X.X.X.X is OK
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPADDR X.X.X.X
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #2 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: LayerFinish
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: state change Req-Sent --> Stopped
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: protocol was rejected by peer
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: protocol IPV6CP was rejected
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #98 (Opened)
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: SendConfigAck #148
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] is OK
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #148 (Req-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: Up event
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] SECDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] PRIDNS
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPADDR
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: Up event
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: LayerStart
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPV6CP: Open event
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: LayerStart
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IPCP: Open event
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1] IFACE: setting pppoe1 MTU to 1456 bytes
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: Join bundle "opt1"
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "opt1" ""'
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift AUTHENTICATE --> NETWORK
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: authorization successful
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MESG: CHAP authentication success, unit 39160
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #1 len: 43
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 32
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: Using authname "fti/xxxxxxxx"
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] Name: "LNMSO657"
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 29
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerUp
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> AUTHENTICATE
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6d128185
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift AUTHENTICATE --> ESTABLISH
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Opened --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x714a63bf
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1456
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #97
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6d128185
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #3
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerDown
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x714a63bf
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1456
    Jun 23 08:51:19 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #97 (Opened)
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 32
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: Using authname "fti/xxxxxxxx"
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] Name: "BSTOU652"
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 29
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerUp
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> AUTHENTICATE
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6d128185
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #2 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6d128185
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #2
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] PROTOCOMP
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Ack-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x714a63bf
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #242
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x714a63bf
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #242 (Req-Sent)
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6d128185
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] MRU 1492
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] PROTOCOMP
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: phase shift DEAD --> ESTABLISH
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Up event
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: UP event
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: connection successful
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "BSTOU652-H101L4610L000D"
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerStart
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Open event
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1_link0] Link: OPEN event
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp [opt1] Bundle: Interface ng1 created
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp web: web is not running
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp CONSOLE: listening on 5005
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp process 17807 started, version 5.8 (nobody@pfSense_v2_4_2_amd64-pfSense_v2_4_2-job-14 18:47 16-Nov-2017)
    Jun 23 08:51:18 ppp Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-23

    Thanks, the log is very useful. Please connect to mpd5 console and run two commands:

    link opt1_link0
    show lcp

    And post the output.

    Will you be able to test a patch solving the porblem?
    That would require recompiling mpd5 and running new binary.

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-23

    [] link opt1_link0
    [opt1_link0] show lcp
    LCP [Starting]
    MRU : 1492 bytes
    MAGIC : 0x6d128185
    ACCMAP : 0x000a0000
    ACFCOMP : No
    AUTHTYPE : none
    MRU : 1456 bytes
    MAGIC : 0x714a63bf
    ACCMAP : 0xffffffff
    ACFCOMP : No

    Will you be able to test a patch solving the problem?
    That would require recompiling mpd5 and running new binary.
    it's logic. maybe I'll get help
    mount a freebsd of the right version, compile your code and copy and paste the binary. I think my white hair can handle that.

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-23

    Previous patch had a problem, so I'm replacing it with new version. Save attached patch as /usr/ports/net/mpd5/files/patch-mtu and rebuild the port to get new binary package.

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-24

    install FreeBSD 11.1
    put patch
    cp mpd5 on pfsense

    /usr/local/sbin/mpd5 -b -k -d /var/etc -f mpd_wan.conf -p /var/run/ -s ppp pppoeclient
    elf_load_section: truncated ELF file

    I am not good enougth for it

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-24

    Make sure you have used 64-bit version of the system, FreeBSD/amd64. Also, make sure you transferred the file in binary mode - check file sizes of source and copy. Make sure the file was not broken in transfer by running "md5" or "sha256" command on source file and on the copy and compare results.

    Alternatively, you can try attached package or binary I've built for you.

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-24

    Oh my god its working :)
    pppoe1: flags=88d1<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1492

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-24

    Thank you for testing. Will' get it to next revision of mpd5.

  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-24

    Thank you to you... the impact for the future is super interesting :-)

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-24

    I have just updated FreeBSD's net/mpd5 port up to revision 5.8_4 that contains this fix:

    I do not use pfSense myself. You can now inform pfSense developers of this update so they could upgrade their copy of mpd5.

  • Eugene Grosbein

    Eugene Grosbein - 2018-06-24
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Eugene Grosbein
    • Group: -->
  • Xavier Lemaire

    Xavier Lemaire - 2018-06-24
1 2 3 > >> (Page 1 of 3)

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