
#56 Unnecessary PPP-Max-Payload tag sent after switching from PPPoE MTU > 1492 to MTU <= 1492

David Wood

As I noted in #54 an unnecessary PPP-Max-Payload tag will be sent after switching from PPPoE MTU > 1492 to MTU <= 1492.

The attached patch fixes the issue.

1 Attachments


  • Dmitry S. Lukhtionov

    At current implementation, ppp-max-payload tag will be sent only, if in config file found this line:
    set pppoe max-payload XXX
    You are deleted this verification


    Last edit: Dmitry S. Lukhtionov 2015-11-12
    • David Wood

      David Wood - 2015-12-31

      If you make a connection that needs the Max-Payload tag, then disconnect, reconfigure to an MTU <= 1492 and reconnect, both the log and packet capture shows that the previously configured Max-Payload tag is sent unnecessarily. Unfortunately, I failed to keep the log and packet capture, as they came as part of a long debug and test session. I simply fixed the issue and moved on.

      The patch fixes an observed problem, and I urge its incorporation before mpd 5.8 has shipped. It has now been shipped in the FreeBSD mpd5 port via , so failure to incorporate this patch will lead to a regression.

      The good news is that, apart from this issue, the RFC 4638 code works well. It has been in production at my site for several months.

  • Dmitry S. Lukhtionov

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Dmitry S. Luhtionov
    • Group: -->

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