
versions 2.6.2 and 0.9.2 released

Added bit reservoir handling for mp3 gapless playback option (-b for the command line).
This option also allows playback at the exact sample specified by the input time, instead of the music data frames boundaries. Warning: split files will play gapless only on players supporting mp3 gapless playback using the LAME tag delay and padding values (example of gapless mp3 players: cmus, mpg123, foobar2000, winamp). The feature is heavily inspired by pcutmp3 developed by Sebastian Gesemann. Use with caution because it is still an experimental feature.

Added @d to output format which is equal to: last directory of the input filename or the filename itself if no directory.

Dropped out GTK 2.x support Removed gtk3 deprecated symbols and made it look more gtk3-alike.

Fixed bug #170 - included stdlib.h in src/plugins.c for getenv() because otherwise segfault on RHEL 5.6 64bits.

Posted by Munteanu Alexandru 2014-11-10

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