Martin Kuhlmann - 2002-08-02


Just to let anyone interested know, there are stil people around.

Up to now i just downloaded the latest package and looked over the docu. i didn't found to many comments, but thats my first impression.

In the next weeks i will start building a small app for editing id3v1/v2-tags. Two years ago i wrote the same in VB... ok, thats because we had to learn VB and i figured the easiest way to do so was to write something usefull. Now the source is too ... hm, complicated. Adding new features would mean to rewrite it completly. These times I only implemented the parts of ID3v2 i needed and that was hard enough and very time-consuming.

This time i will rely on existing libraries since its one of many gread advantages of Java. :-)

So, enough of tales telling. For my purposes I will need the following features in my programm:
- editing single MP3-Tags
- copy a complete or part of Tag to one or many MP3s
- renaming files based on Tags in customizable Formats
- create Playlists for WinAmp on the fly (if the user wants to).

I've already created a JFileTree (based on JTree, using a custom event) and i'm working on a component which will handle a id3tag...
