
flv file split error

  • Loic

    Loic - 2008-02-07

    I have juste started to use Movica, and it seems great. But, when I try to split a flv file, I have errors.

    The first trial was to set begin and end and save extract, but I get:
    Conversion Failed !!

    Error in joining flv movies
    Impossible de trouver le fichier 'C:\Documents and Settings\Lo‹c\Local Settings\Temp\Movicaflv-001.flv'.

    I have finally successfully splited my file by using the split tab and fixed time. But it does not work when the file is in My Documents. It works when I move the file to the root of the HD C:/

    My understanding is that may Windows account Loïc is not properly recognized by Movica because of the ï.

    Is there a way to solve that? I haven't found a way to change default temp folder.

    Thanks for your help.

    • Jamalu

      Jamalu - 2008-02-09

      I think you are right in assuming that the problem is the pathname. I am not sure why the OS is not able to get to the file.

      In a future release I will add a configuration setting that will let you pick the temp dir that Movica should use.

    • Loic

      Loic - 2008-02-13

      Thank you for this promising feedback. I confirm Movica is great!! I'm just sorry to be french and have accents ;)


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