
Version 0.4 in the works

Good news for all users of Mousenitor. I've begun work at version 0.4 of the program ::- ). I'd like to thank Orbidia for the input regarding the program. Although I haven't been able to contact Orbidia via e-mail or SourceForge, know that your words did not fall on deaf ears ::- ). Version 0.4 of Mousenitor will enable you to use the ` key as well as other keyboard buttons which were not supported in version 0.3.4.

Mousenitor 0.4 will also feature a setting called "Single Click SysTray Icon for Activation/Deactivation" and, for the first time, an About Window where people who contributed to the project shall be honored ::- ).

As I promised, the Help System will also make its first appearance, in the person of a few Tips Of The Day and in-program assistance via Right-Clicking or Hovering over Program Options. The exact system is still foggy in my mind, I'm not very sure about how to do it, but rest assured, it will be there ::- D. And of course, it will be Internationalized (that is, it will support multiple languages as well as the rest of the program, but the actual translations will depend on other people).

Other features are on the way as well, such as the ability of creating profiles by duplicating existing ones or ignoring sliding when the left mouse button is pressed (to avoid sliding the mouse to another monitor when you're actually scrolling in a window, which is very annoying).

And other stuff as well ::- D.

Mousenitor 0.4, coming soon to a download site near you ::- D.

Posted by Axonn Echysttas 2011-02-01

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