
First Mousenitor Release

I got a New Year's Eve present for y'all ::- ). It's called Mousenitor and it's something I've been using since... a looong, loooong time ago. Our story starts like any good story: once upon a time, there was a boy who got a second monitor to his computer and immediately started to be annoyed by the way the mouse cursor kept "spilling" over the wrong monitor. But the boy knew how to code, so he started building something to mitigate this issue. Thus, Mousenitor was born.

This was back in August 2007, so you might wonder what the hell happened for THREE years. Well, almost nothing ::- ). I just lived with version 0.1 until 2008 when I started getting annoyed by how it worked and changed it a bit, making version 0.2. I had a friend who was also interested in it, because he had 2 monitors, but I was way to busy to accommodate both his requests and my desires. Version 0.2 was all I needed to keep me satisfied with how my mouse cursor worked, so, continuing the development of Mousenitor escaped my focus for years to come.

Eventually, at the end of this Autumn, I realized just how much time had passed since I said that I am going to develop Mousenitor into a nice little application: more than 3 years. The Settings Window I had designed in 2008 was completely useless, not a single control working on it, and the program engine was not elegant at all.

Also, another friend of mine started to indicate that he would benefit from Mousenitor. This time, it was one of my dear partners from my oldest big project - ASD Clock (also hosted here on SourceForge).

Last but not least, I looked on the Internet for people having dual-monitor or multi-monitor mouse problems, to check if there is any Application which already mitigates this issue. I found several people with the problem, but no solution. This was the final nudge I needed to get moving.

So, after a few weeks of hard work, I present you with Mousenitor 0.3, which might as well be named 0.1 since I haven't used anything from the previous project, not even the icon, not even a single function.

Enjoy and... expect more updates in 2011, including Mouse Gestures which are not yet complete. Until then, Mousenitor is 100% operational via HotKeys, per-Application profiles and more. Consult the ReadMe file after installation (located in the program's folder too) for more details about how it works.

Have a Happy New Year! ::- ).

Posted by Axonn Echysttas 2010-12-31

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