
#2 Unhandled exception on quit

v1.0 (example)

(I tried signing up for your forums with 2 different email addresses, but the activation emails never arrived :( )

I downloaded Mousenitor 0.3.4 on my Windows 7 - Ultimate 64-bit.
I installed, and opened for the first time - viewed the settings, then went to close it with the X in the top right.

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mousenitor\MS.settings' is denied.
Attached to this report is the exception text.


  • Duncan Fairley

    Duncan Fairley - 2011-07-27
  • Duncan Fairley

    Duncan Fairley - 2011-07-27

    Probably worth mentioning that this doesn't occur if I "Open as Administrator"

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-09-17

    Happened to me as well (Windows 7 64-bit Pro). It works now that I have manually created an empty file "MS.settings" and changed its security settings so that all users can change the file. It might also work to run as administrator once to create the file and then change the settings.

  • Axonn Echysttas

    Axonn Echysttas - 2011-12-06

    Argh! I didn't notice this bug was submitted here. For some reason SourceForge didn't notify me. So sorry for the extremely delayed reply.

    Yes, the error is due to the fact that Mousenitor should be run with Admin Rights. This is something I intended to fix but since only a single person complained, I didn't. I guess I should ::- ).

    As for the Forum, I see a lot of users registered but I assumed they are bots. I know that sometimes it doesn't send the e-mails. I will get that fixed as well. Thank you for the heads-up, and sorry again for the (absurdly) late reply.

  • Axonn Echysttas

    Axonn Echysttas - 2011-12-06
    • labels: --> Interface (example)
    • milestone: --> v1.0 (example)
    • assigned_to: nobody --> echysttas
  • Axonn Echysttas

    Axonn Echysttas - 2011-12-06
    • priority: 5 --> 9
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • tommie pollack

    tommie pollack - 2015-07-29

    Just got this bug and thought I might help others with the solution.
    1. navigate to the folder specified by the error message.
    Mine said "C:\program files(x86)\Mousenitor\MS.settings"
    2. Right click the MS.settings file and choose properties.
    3. Enter the Security tab and click Edit under the first list of user groups.
    4. Select the last group in the list "Users(<username>...)" and click the box below under
    "Allow" for "Complete authority".
    5. Ok->ok and then restart Mousenitor.exe.

    (If you are stuck with the error and can't quit the program you must go to the task manager (ctrl+alt+delete) then go to processes and find mousenitor.exe in the list and terminate it)


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