
Cool stuff, interested in helping out

  • Moinak Ghosh

    Moinak Ghosh - 2006-07-12

    This is nice stuff. I can read my WinXP NTFS partition from Solaris Express B42a. I am interested in helping out as well, so have grabbed the source.

    One question: I am the primary author of BeleniX an OpenSolaris distribution ( Do you mind if I include this in the BeleniX LiveCD ?

    • Martin Rosenau

      Martin Rosenau - 2007-03-31


      Sorry for answering sooooooo late...
      I have no time to read all the messages here so it would be better to contact me by email.

      Of course not.
      This tool is freeware. You are free to include it in CDs/DVDs.
      However the current version is "alpha" and known to run instable!



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