
motion / News: Recent posts

Motion 4.1

Motion 4.1 released.

See Motion home page for additional release files and deb packages for most releases.

Posted by MrDave 2017-11-23

Motion 4.0

Motion 4.0.1 has been released. See Motion-Project home on github for lastest news

Posted by MrDave 2016-11-13

Motion 3.2.12 released

Motion 3.2.12 is a bug fix release. No new features.

Highlights are: compatibility with libjpeg8, FFV1 codec encode with ffmpeg fixed, conv_uyvyto420p segfault fixed, the palette selection enhanced to match more cameras, and zombies on OpenBSD fixed.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2010-06-01

Motion 3.2.10 released

Motion 3.2.10 is a release with both new features and a number of bugfixes.

Highlights are:
Pre_capture buffer redesign to throttle load
New preview center feature
New reference frame algorithm to improve object recognition and location
Improved smartmask feature
New area_detect feature
Improved http control
Improved thread handling incl watchdog
Movie files can now be in .mov - Quicktime file format

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2008-05-18

Motion 3.2.8 Released

Motion 3.2.8 - 18 Jul 2007

New features
* Now supports V4L2 devices
* Supports V4L2_bayer, SN9C10X, MJPEG and UYVY
* Enhanced device status
* Improved deb packaging
* Added swf codec for movie creation
* ucvideo track pan/tilt support
* FreeBSD directory for building ports

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2007-07-18

Motion version 3.2.7 released

Motion 3.2.7 - 20 Oct 2006

Motion is a program that monitors the video signal from one
or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant part
of the picture has changed; in other words, it can detect

3.2.7 contains a few new features.
- minimum_frame_time which enables capturing at a lower
rate than 2 frames per second replaces the useless
minimum_gap feature
- Made the creation of reference frame and the decay
mechanism depending on how much motion was detected
relative to threshold setting
- Added process_id_file feature... read more

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2006-10-20

Motion version 3.2.6 released

3.2.6 Formal Bugfix Release.
Fixed bug where variables time_last_frame and time_current_frame had been
extended to also be used for snapshot feature but declaration was hidden
between #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG. (Kenneth Lavrsen)
Fixed a bug that only allowed remote control of max 9 cameras. Now
Motion can present up to 99 cameras in its http remote control interface
(Angel Carpintero based on idea by Chuck Sheehan)
text_changes now shows a '-' when motion detection is paused instead of
just showing 0 (Kenneth Lavrsen)

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2006-03-23

Motion version 3.2.5 released

Motion 3.2.5

Mainly a bug fix release.

Users of 3.2.4 can upgrade without changing the config files.

Only new feature is that the special stepper motor tracking feature now also supports tilt as well as pan. This gives two new options: track_motory and track_maxy

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2006-03-06

Motion version 3.2.4 released

Motion version 3.2.4 has been released.

This is a release with many small but very interesting new features. SQL feature is now fully flexible and configurable. There are new conversion specifiers that can be used for text features, external commands, filenames and SQL. Netcam feature can now recover from bad connections - also at startup. And naturally there are a number of bug fixes.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-12-22

Motion 3.2.3 Binaries

Note that recently more binaries for Debian and Ubunto have been uploaded to the files area.

There is also a new Fedora Core 4 rpm 3.2.3-2.
It is built with ffmpeg-0.4.9-0.lvn.0.18.20050801.4.i386.rpm and ffmpeg-devel-0.4.9-0.lvn.0.18.20050801.4.i386.rpm from Livna

If you have an older version of ffmpeg the 3.2.3-1 may work better for you.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-08-31

Motion 3.2.3 Bugfix Release

Motion 3.2.3 has been released. It is a bugfix release. 3.2.2 built on certain systems would refuce browsers to connect to the http control interface.
Some bugs concerning buffering have also been fixed. This bug impacted e.g. motion detection, autobrightness and noise tuning.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-08-16

Motion 3.2.2 released

Motion release 3.2.2 - 13 Aug 2005

Major New Features:
- Completely rewritten netcam code which should be much more stable
- Netcam code now supports connection through proxy
- Two new conversion specifiers for text output
- Improved labelling gives better tracking
- webcam feature now works when saving ppm images
- Improved webcam stream which saves bandwidth during no motion
- Text size can be doubled
- Better and safer handling of lost connection to netcam
- Many bugfixes
- Speed optimizations

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-08-13

Motion TWiki is back on-line

It was a burned power supply inside my router that has burned. And naturally while I was travelling. A new router is in place now and the site back online again. - Kenneth Lavrsen

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-06-29

Motion TWiki temporarily down

The Motion TWiki server is down. The router that connects it to the Internet is dead. I am on a business trip but will fix it when I return. I have a spare router :-)

Kenneth Lavrsen

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-06-28

Motion 3.2.1 and 3.1.20 released

Motion 3.2.1 has been released with lots of great new features and many bug fixes. Try the the new http (browser) control interface and the very useful setup mode. This release has been through 17 snapshot releases and it quite stable now.

Motion 3.1.20 has been released in parallel. It is a bugfix release only with some of the bugfixes from 3.2.1 ported back. This is one of the last 3.1 releases. All development effort now goes into 3.2.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-05-26

motion-3.1.19 released

3.1.19 Formal Release - Summary of changes since 3.1.18
- Fixed bug when setting ffmpeg_timelapse=1
- Made netcam code more robust
- Fixed netcam->userpass problem
- Updates to vloopback device v 0.94
- Added code optimizing for Athlon 64
- Fixed bug when building RPM
- Fixed some gcc warnings
- Code cleanup from a valgrind analysis
- Configure: Added debug , conditional compile of xmlrpc-c
- Fix a non allocated pointer to be freed.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-03-02

Motion 3.1.18 Released

Motion-3.1.18 adds both many new features, removes a few and fix many bugs.

New Features:
- Brightness, contrast, hue and saturation control.
- New smart mask feature.
- Better configure script and Makefile.
- Speed optimizations of motion detection.
- Green motion images now B/W with smart mask shown red.
- Major improvement of noise_tune.
- ffmpeg-0.4.9 support.
- Motion can now save only the first motion picture frame in an event.
- Netcams no longer needs the cURL library to run.
- Netcam feature now also supports mjpeg stream as well as single jpeg.... read more

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2005-01-30

Motion 3.1.17 released

Motion 3.1.17 is mainly a bugfix release.

Bugs fixed includes removal of many silly syslog messages
that made Motion unstable, fix of autobrightness feature and
an fix and improvement of the lightswitch feature.

Note that the lightswitch option has changed from being an
on/off option to a percentage of picture area changed.
Default is still not activated.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-10-14

Motion goes the Wiki way

The Motion website including the Motion Guide is
now placed on a Wiki to enhance the collaboration
between users and programmers.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-10-14

Motion version 3.1.16 released

3.1.16 is a bugfix release with no new features.
3.1.15 had some small but severe bugs so upgrading is
recommended. Nothing in the config files has changed from
3.1.15 so upgrading to 3.1.16 from 3.1.15 is easy

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-07-25

Motion ver. 3.1.15 released

Short Summary of changes from 3.1.14 to 3.1.15.
- ffmpeg now supports mpeg4 and msmpeg4 in addition to mpeg1. Timelapse
mpegs are always made with mpeg1 because this allows appending to
existing mpeg when motion or timelapse is restarted.
- configure should now find libraries automatically on most distros
- rotation feature added which allows the camera to be mounted upside
down or in portrait.
- SQL (Postgres and MySQL) table format has been changed. The time
related fields have been replaced by a timestamp field called 'time_stamp'.
New fields are 'frame', 'text_left', and 'camera'.
- A new feature called 'labeling' was added which is a great enhancement
to the motion detection algoritm. It ensures that only the largest
area of movement is included in the detection.
- Angel Carpintero ported motion and it's main features to freeBSD.
The freeBSD is still very much beta and because of limited access to
hardware we need more people to test the various features.
- Motion is now also released as an RPM with both mysql, postgres,
libcurl and ffmpeg support.
- Misc. bugfixes

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-07-17

Development/Stable is now Current/Legacy

The names of the Motion development trees have been renamed from Development (3.1) and Stable (3.0) to Current (3.1) and Legacy (3.0).
This is done to signal that the 3.0 tree is dead, out of dead, more buggy that the latest 3.1 releases and no longer maintained or supported.
Users are recommended to use the 3.1 releases.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-05-31

Motion version 3.1.14 released

Motion 3.1.14 is a release with quite a long list of changes.

Because of some major bugs found and fixed it is highly recommended that users upgrade to 3.1.14.

New Features:
- Installation should be easier (configure figures everything out on most systems)
- Snapshot feature improved. Each camera can now have individual time settings. Snapshots also trigger the onsave feature.
- New ffmpeg_timelapse_mode feature which enables you to choose the interval at which a timelapse mpeg is closed and a new one started (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, manual XML-RPC).
- Implemented RH (sysV) and Debian type control scripts for /etc/init.d
- MySQL/Postgresql now logs all types of files saved including mpegs.
- New minimum_motion_frames feature which requires a minimum number of motion frames to trigger saving files.
- XML-RPC can now also control threshold and noise_level
- Round Robin now also works by changing frequency on the same device and same input.
- Better messages to the user during startup makes debugging config file problems easier.... read more

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-05-31

Version 3.1.13 released

This is a major release with many new features, much improved userfriendly installation, many new options and many options removed and replaced by new smarter options.
Motion Guide has also been updated and it no longer supports the 3.0 branch which is no longer being developed.

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-04-25

Version 3.1.12 released

3.1.12 - 2004 April 12
New Features
Added max-number-of-frames-limit to the webcaminterface
Added new tracking feature for Logitech Quickcam Sphere/Orbit
Added manual tracking options to xmlrpc interface.
Added new pre-capture feature. Records frames from before the
event started.

Major Bug fixes
Motion-control action.quit fix.
Netcam with mask fixed.
Changed fast algorithm to imgs.size/10000 steps.
Found 2 memory-leaks (two 'FILE *' were not closed) in the webcam-interface

Posted by Kenneth Lavrsen 2004-04-12