
Door in Vivec in new version MGE

  • z34

    z34 - 2010-05-22

    ow do you do !Prompt as door in Vivec to do ?After
    installing MGE their did not become is seen. These holes in
    house whole picture Vivec spoil. Possible correct the door
    in Vivec in new version MGE? Here is page of the Forum where
    was assigned this question ;

  • Krzysztof Markowski

    This is probably a bug in the new Depth Manager that was added after revision 161. You will notice other issues with not drawn objects in revision 175 more likely when you turn off the Distant Land.

    Revision 175 of d3d8.dll is currently not recommended for regular playing.

    You can fix it by using revision 161 which is the most stable beta version at the moment.

  • vtastek

    vtastek - 2010-05-23

    It is actually because doors are too small and falling below the min static size. You can lower the min static size or better way is adding them to a static exception list.

    And don't forget to check misc items in static creation wizard.
    Here is the line for those doors:

  • z34

    z34 - 2010-05-23

    Thank you for your answers! I play exactly this version-161 . I do not know what do the sheet - MGE_StaticsOverrideList . If you will be able to place him(it) for loading here, that help the many player


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