
Moritz / News: Recent posts

Patch 2 and 3 for Moritz 2.1.0 released

Hello Everyone.

I set up a new sub folder for the Moritz 2.1.0: patch location

  • Here I will upload bug-fixes and extensions .
  • Please follow the instructions in the Read Me you will find there also.

The new patches are associated with diverse the C++ related topics reported by Wasilios Goutas.

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Take care about you and stay healthy.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2020-12-23

Patch for Moritz 2.1.0 released

Hello Everyone.

I set up a new sub folder for the Moritz 2.1.0: patch location

  • Here I will opload bug-fixes and extensions .
  • Please follow the instructions in the Read Me you will find there also.

The first patch is solving the C++ related issue reported by Christof Haidinger - 2020-09-11 ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2020-10-23

Major Release Moritz 2.1.0 is out

Hello Everybody.

Yesterday I uploaded the official release Moritz 2.1.0. Even the functionality has not changed since the last release, a lot of changes were implemented in the background. The main change was the replacement of the third party libraries spirit and tynyxml by own sources. Even the third party libraries did their job they are maintained anymore in the used versions. Thus I had the choice to refactore the project sources while changing to the new versions of spirit and tinyxml or to replace them by own code and I gave chosen the second option.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2020-06-11

New snapshot posted to prepare Moritz 2.1

Hello Everybody.

Today I posted a new snapshot to prepare the next Release Moritz 2.1.

The snapshot Moritz 2.0.95 can be downloaded here: Moritz 2.0.95

With this snapshot I continue refactoring of Moritz and I hope it will be the last prerelease befor publishing Moritz 2.1.

  • Even some optimizations were done to deal with the limitations of the file size accepted by the parser, I faced that there will be always a remaining limitation just caused by the fact that a 32 bit build as done in the past is not able to manage the same amount of memory as a 64 bit build can do.
  • With this snapshot I provide a Windows 64 bit build as the default used in the distribution.
  • For those who still work on 32 bit systems the Windows 32 bit build is part of the distribution also but has to be choosesn by the manual modification of the calling batch-files. Please reffer the associated remark lines.
  • Unfortunately I'm currently not able to provide fitting Linux builds. But I hope that it will be no big issue for advanced users to build with the provided source-archive the binaries needed for Linux (or Mac).
  • If somebody than provides us herer Linux 64 bit and or Linux 32 bit builds, I will try to setup a Linux snapshot also.... read more
Posted by Eckard Klotz 2020-05-10

New snapshot posted to prepare Moritz 2.1

Hello Everybody.

Today I posted a new snapshot to prepare the next Release Moritz 2.1.

The snapshot Moritz 2.0.94 is the real new thing and can be downloaded here: Moritz 2.0.94

With this snapshot I continue refactoring of Moritz.

  • In this release the some build problems on Linux were solved.
  • Unfortunately this development is still not completed and currently the you may face some limitations of the file size accepted by the parser. But this already in work. ... read more
Posted by Eckard Klotz 2019-07-13

New snapshot posted to prepare Moritz 2.1

Hello everybody.

Today I posted a new snapshot to prepare the next Release Moritz 2.1.

The snapshot Moritz 2.0.93 is the real new thing and can be downloaded here:
Moritz 2.0.91
With this snapshot I continue refactoring of Moritz.

In this release the external library tinyxml was replaced by an own xml-library... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2019-01-05

New snapshot posted to prepare Moritz 2.1

Hello everybody.

Today I posted a new snapshot to prepare the next Release Moritz 2.1.

The snapshot Moritz 2.0.90 is the real new thing and can be downloaded here:
Moritz 2.0.91
With this snapshot I continue refactoring of Moritz.

In this release the parser was extended to output more debug-information to support the development and extension of parser-scripts. ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2016-10-03

New realeases posted

Hello everybody.

After more or less one and a half year of work today I posted not only 1 but 2 new snapshots to prepare the next Release Moritz 2.1.

The snapshot Moritz 2.0.90 is the real new thing and can be downloaded here:
Moritz 2.0.90
With this snapshot I start a deeper refactoring of Moritz. Instead of the boost library Spirit Moritz will now come with its own parser module completely new developed.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2016-06-05

Tutorial Message Sequence Charts with Moritz is online

Hello every body

As already announced last year, a first tutorial was published today to show how to create message sequence charts with Moritz

This first version is published to introduce a new feature of Moritz that is still under development. The goal is to ask the users to take a look and to post some comments in the forum at "".

The pdf in tutorial describes the basic steps needed to create message sequence charts. The provided folder "MessageSequence_1" contains the example based on the same sources as the other tutorials. ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2015-02-01

New Development Snapshot 2.0.2 is online

Hello Everybody.

I wish everybody a happy new year.

Even Christmas is over here in Hannover (Germany) I wish to present you a new snapshot release of Moritz. Please take a look at:

Here you will find a windows-distribution and one for linux (build with Ubuntu 14.04 for a 32bit system). Furthermore a the sources for the two binaries abc2xml and xml2abc.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2015-01-03

New Development Snapshot is online

The new file folder "DevelopmentFor_2_1_0" contains snapshots published while developing Moritz 2.1.0. This new release should support the generation of input files for the tool Mscgen ( that is used by Doxygen ( for adding message sequence charts (

While Moritz 2.0.0 is not compatible to Mortiz 1.x.y Moritz 2.1.0 should be compatible to Moritz 2.0.0. For a normal user who is not modifying the content of the language packs and who is using Moritz 2 to generate nassi shneiderman diagrams or activity diagrams no change should be necessary. Posts in the folder "DevelopmentFor_2_1_0" should be done to give interested users the chance to test this. ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2014-11-02

Patch number 3 posted for Moritz 2.0.0

This patch contains corrections of the ansi c/cpp parser definition used by abc2xml, required by Robin SJ62 by describing associated bugs (Thank you very much for doing so).

The patch contains no binary but only configuration-files for the binary. Thus the user has just to download the zip-file "" and to replace the sub folder "ansi_c" in the directory "LangPack" by the new one in the zip-file.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2014-08-24

Patch number 2 posted for Moritz 2.0.0

This patch contains corrections of the ansi c/cpp parser definition used by abc2xml, required by Robin SJ62 by describing associated bugs (Thank you very much for doing so).

The patch contains no binary but only configuration-files for the binary. Thus the user has just to download the zip-file "" and to replace the sub folder "ansi_c" in the directory "LangPack" by the new one in the zip-file.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2014-05-10

Patch posted for Moritz 2.0.0

This patch contains corrections of the ansi c/cpp parser definition used by abc2xml, required by Teodor Robas and Robin SJ62 by describing associated bugs (Thank you very much for doing so).

The patch contains no binary but only configuration-files for the binary. Thus the user has just to download the zip-file "" and to replace the sub folder "ansi_c" in the directory "LangPack" by the new one in the zip-file. ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2014-04-09

Major Release Moritz 2.0.0 is out

Hello Everybody

Today I uploaded the official release Moritz 2.0.0. Many things have changed after a long periode of redesign. Moritz is now a stand-alone tool that comes along with its own parser. Not only C and Cpp can be analysed but also Python, Matlab and Pascal. Furthermore the potential of adding more programming languages is existing. While the older Moritz could only create nassi shneiderman diagrams the new Moritz is also able to create uml-like activity diagrams.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2014-01-26

new release-candidate of Moritz 2

Hello Everybody.

Since the first release-candidate of Moritz 2 published in September 2 more release-candidates where published.

The October update comes along with different documentations which reflect the use of Moritz 2 with different programming-languages. Unfortunately I changed my compiler for building the Windows binaries from MinGW 4.4.1 to 4.7.1 what results in slowdown the binaries.

In the November update I posted now new distributions, where the Windows binaries where build with the Dwarf-2 variant of MinGW. Thus the runtime is minimized again. Furthermore I tried out compile the binaries against the new boost 1.55.0 libraries. Since the functionality was not changed the documentation of the October release is still valid.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2013-11-26

the first release-candidate of Moritz 2

Hello Everybody.

After 4 years of refactoring the first milestone having the next major release is nearly reached. The completely new developed Moritz2 presents with the demo-version 8 its first release-candidate (under or use “Browse All Files”).

Most of the features already known from the older Moritz1 are still available:
1. Generation of Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams based on HTML.
2. Control of the diagrams by using special commands inside of comments.
Furthermore new features are available:
1.Generation of uml-like activity-diagrams based on dot( ).
2.Support of more programming-languages (C/Cpp, Python, Matlab, Pascal)... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2013-09-16

Moritz 1.9.07 Distribution is online

Hello everybody.

A new demo-release of Moritz2 is online since to day.

The most importent change is the fact that as parser-Libry spirit 2.5.2 (now part of boost 1.52.0) or higher is used now instead of spirit 1.8.5. This change has no direct effect for the end-user but for those who want to build the binary by them own. I have compiled the current binaries against boost 1.53.0 what seems to be the latest version today.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2013-03-27

new demo-release of Moritz

Hello everybody.

A new demo-release of Moritz2 is online since to day.

One great work-package was to refactor some source-files to make it easier in the future to add more snippet-commands a big class was splitted into some smaller ones and some actions will be made before the file generation starts thus the run of xml2abc should be a little bit faster now

But there are also some new features. The configuration file is now splitted in 2 sparate files a project-depending user-part and a more tool-depending background-part. Thus the end-user sees only the part to define the sources to analyse while an administrative user can change the general-behaviour by editing an other one. You will now find a new folder in the distribution called "LangPack" this folder contains for every programming-language an own sub-folder where all language depending resources and configurations are located currently you will find 2 language-packages one for python and one for ansi_c but the languages matlab and turbo-pascall are in preparation. To avoid the analysis of files which have not been changed since the last run abc2xml and xml2abc check now the time-stamp of the files. The user can configure if the genration-process should skip the analysis of files if they have not been changed. ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2011-09-09

tinixml compiler-error with "cut and paste"

Hello Everybody.

Those of you who want to compile the sources may be interested in the following information:

In my both projects "Moritz" and "MuLanPa" I'm working sometimes with very deep xml-trees and one of my key-works is to merge 2 or more xml-trees into one. In the current implementation of the node-class a resorting of the xml-structure is done with a lot of copy-work and this is time-consuming. ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2010-10-29

Second demo-release of new Moritz2 is online

Hello everybody.

The second demo-release of new Moritz2 is online since to day. With this version the reimplementation of the special commands to control the shape of the diagrams has started.

The names of the binaries where changed, the parser formally known as MuLanPa is now called abc2xml and the binary formally known as Moritz is now called xml2abc. I hope this makes clearer what they do. But since the whole application that contains more than only two binaries should do still the same job it will be still called Moritz.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2010-10-28

First demo.release of new Moritz2 is online

Hello everybody.

As promised with the last release a completely new Moritz is in development. and the first demo-release is online now. In difference to the older version Moritz comes along with an own parser-tool MuLanPa. Since this parser can be configured to use grammar-specs of different programming-languages Moritz will be usable for different programming-languages also in the future. But currently the demo is configured for python only.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2010-04-08

New Release is Online Moritz 1.1.00

This main-release contains the last snapshot but no new features. If you already have downloaded the release 1.0.03 together with the snapshot Moritz_bin_2009_03_06 there is no need to download this release. If you are downloading Moritz the first time you are recommended to use this release.

With this release Moritz 1.1.y for c/c++ will be functional freezed. No further feature-development will be done except debugging. At the moment Moritz will be completely redesigned to make it possible to use it for other programming-languages (python, matlab, ...) also. This new Moritz should be the future for this project and a first demo-distribution for using it with python-sources should follow in 2010.

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2010-01-10

New Release is Online Moritz 1.0.03

As new features the main-diagrams of a function contains links to excluded sub-diagrams and Moritz generates an index-file in the output-directory, that helps to find the diagram of a special function.

After more than 3 years of development the newest release of Moritz has got the mayor version-number 1. This means it is the first real release and not only a release-candidate. The project has now the status stable. ... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2008-02-24

Patch for crash of moritz 0.09.21 (2007_08_20) is online

Better late than never:

In the download-section you will find a patch now. please download it and try it out. This Patch should eliminate the bug in the distribution with the date-code 2007_08_20 (RC7)described with the reports 1823502 and 1825995 crash of moritz if a compiler-switch contains no file-elements inside.
overwrite the binary-file in the bin-folder with the new file in the patch.

You may also compile the attached sources to produce the binary for your operation-system.... read more

Posted by Eckard Klotz 2007-11-27