
#78 configurable pattern for test projects

Version 3.0.3

It wouold be nice to be able to configure a pattern not only for test names and test folder but also for test projects.

Use case: Eclipse Plugin developers used to create a seperate project (bundle or fragment) to place there test classes. E.g. if you have a plugin project named 'org.mysample.project' the corresponding test project would be 'org.mysample.project.test'.


  • Christian Schwarz

    Maybe its a good idea to extend the Preferences Page "Java" and allow a variable ${projectName} for the field "Test source folder". This way it could be possible to specify:

    ^ place tests in folder org.mysample.project.test/src


    ^ place tests in folder org.mysample.project.test/src be backward compatible a missing ${projectName} would be equal to ${projectName}/


    Last edit: Christian Schwarz 2014-01-10
  • Nicolas Demengel

    Hi Christian,

    Indeed, it would be nice to allow for defining it at the workspace level. Meanwhile, you can specify the desired behavior at the project level (Project Properties > MoreUnit > Java > "Test source folder" tab.

  • Christian Schwarz

    Hi Nicolas,

    thanks for the hint! I have already 2 of 176 projects in my workspace configured ;-)!

    And know the most famous questions: Do you plan to implement the feature? If yes, when will by ready?

  • Nicolas Demengel

    So... I guess the answer is "yes, but..." I've no idea when we will work on it. It should not be too hard to implement but we're quite busy in our personal lives right now :-)

    I would say that you could expect a new version in February, which would also fix bugs and


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