
#60 Support for Scala

general (19)

MoreUnit has become indispensable for my Java development and an awesome feature would be support for Scala.


  • Nicolas Demengel

    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Nicolas Demengel

    That would be awesome indeed! (I find it highly frustrating too, not to be able to jump to my tests when writing Scala) But it might be difficult given that MoreUnit strongly relies on Eclipse's Java tools. That said, once we have fixed the problems that we currently face with the existing features of MoreUnit, I will be glad to at least give it a try!

  • Antti Mattila

    Antti Mattila - 2012-02-11

    +1 for this feature.

    I thought of giving this feature a try. I downloaded Eclipse Classic 3.7.1 and imported the projects, but got some errors. Is there a guide to build MoreUnit?

  • Vera Henneberger

    Yes that would be a great feature for MoreUnit, but as Nicolas said, it would not be easy to implement. I was thinking about if it is possible to split MoreUnit into a small core-plugin (which does not rely on JDT) and language specific plugins (Java, Scala and perhaps Ruby/Rails).

    No there is no getting started guide for contributors yet, but I will try to write one. I drop you a line when I have written something helpful.

  • Nicolas Demengel

    I already thought about extracting some core features of MoreUnit into a dedicated plugin so that any language can at least have the "Jump To Test" action. It would require some work, but it could be made as a part of the refactoring that is required for our matching mechanism.

  • Antti Mattila

    Antti Mattila - 2012-02-13

    Jumping to test and back is the main feature I need. It actually works pretty well with Scala already! The reason it didn't work in my case was because my class under test wasn't a class but a Scala object. When it is compiled a $ sign is added to the end and that broke the feature. JDT seems to handle Scala nicely. For Scala class Hello JDT gives IJavaElemnt, IType etc. E.g. iJavaElement.findPrimaryType().getElementName(); for the class would return "Hello".

    So the Jump to already works at least with classes and case classes being under test. With a minor tweak objects can supported as well.

    How can I contribute? By sending a patch? Have you by any chance thought about moving to GitHub? :)

  • Vera Henneberger

    The best thing would be to push your changes to your github account, so that we can add it as second remote and fetch it into a branch.


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