
#58 Make Crtl+R run any currently edited test case

Version 2.2.1
runtest (3)

Make Crtl+R run any currently edited test case, whether it correspond to a given class or not.

Currently, a test case open in the editor is launched by the Ctrl+R shortcut only if MoreUnit found a correspondence with a production class. This is highly disappointing for an user that is used to this shortcut, when a test won't run just because it is not "managed" by MoreUnit.


  • Vera Henneberger

    I like the actual behaviour and use it a lot. Perhaps we should use a second shortcut or make it configurable via preferences.

  • Nicolas Demengel

    Maybe I was not clear enough, or maybe I misunderstood you: are you saying that it is actually useful to you that Ctrl+R does nothing on a test case that is not recognized as corresponding to a CUT?

    Here is an example of what I want to point out: a test case class named "SomethingTest" is open in my editor, and there is no corresponding CUT (for instance a class named "Something" if MoreUnit is configured to recognize test cases as having the suffix "Test"). If I hit Ctrl+R on it, it won't do anything. I find it disappointing because I always use Ctrl+R to launch a test case (rather than the standard Alt+Shift+X,T) and I don't think it will do any harm to also support launching such test cases. And if you wonder how I have this situation: I have a lot of integration tests, that do not directly correspond to a single class.

  • Vera Henneberger

    It seems that I misunderstood what you meant.
    What I thought is the following change:
    I do edit the testcases ATest, BTest and CTest. If I use Ctrl+R in BTest now all three test (ATest, BTest and CTest) will run because I changed them.
    And this scenario is what I don't expect.

    But your second comment as made it clear now and I think this is a good idea.

  • Nicolas Demengel

    Indeed it would have been a disturbing idea :-(
    So go for the right one!

  • Nicolas Demengel

    I just tested and it works, with a restriction: the test case must follow the naming pattern defined in the preferences. Out of curiosity, I dig into the project history, and at the time this request has been opened, it was in fact already possible.

    So I think the exact request is to launch a test case — having a corresponding test class or not — even if it does not conform to the naming pattern defined.

    And indeed, I remember that at the time I had a lot of test classes ending with "IT", for "integration test".

    I think it is still a good idea to try launch anything that can be launched as a test, so I will implement it.

  • Nicolas Demengel

    • status: open --> closed
  • Nicolas Demengel

    Implemented in upcoming version


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