
#1431 Forum-Admin vs. DB-Session-Management

General (82)

I played tomorrow morning with the forum-module. I
realized the following: If you install moregroupware
without database-session-management, some reported
problems are gone. New problems are possible. I didn't
realized one.

I think, some session-variables won't be written into
the database. For example: the admin-module misses the
variable $_SESSION['forum']->forumSettings, if you use
the database-module.

This is a very strange behaviour. I couldn't localize
the problem exactly. I suppose, that the problem is
inside '', which is located in
/includes/. Or it is something with 'adodb'?

Maybe someone with more knowledge or a closer view to
the code could fix the problem.

In my opinion a working forum is very important. The
forum was a mainpoint for me to work with moregroupware.

If you need more details, just send me an email. Thanks
for your good work.


version: mgw-cvs 20031112
php: 4.3.1
mysql: 3.23.49
browser: ie6/mozilla1.4

contact: schmager at jakota dot de


  • Karsten Dambekalns

    • labels: --> General
  • Karsten Dambekalns

    Logged In: YES

    If forumSettings is lost when storing session data in the
    database this may be caused by a bug when storing objects in
    the session. More investigation is needed...

  • Karsten Dambekalns

    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Franky Van Liedekerke

    Logged In: YES

    This is probably the same as what I have been witnessing.
    Please try the latest version of mgw, it has changes in the
    session management that might solve your problem.


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