
Error on MidiOut Device

  • Peter De Decker

    Peter De Decker - 2005-02-26

    When I start the project I get an EReadError on the MidiOut Device.

    I opened the project in Delphi 5 but some of the components are not found (after registering the components that are in the Tool Directory). Which version of Delphi do you use?

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    • alex

      alex - 2005-02-26

      Hi Peter,
      yes, i didn't control the forum because i have very short time these days, but the project is active and i hope to make a release shortly. For your problem, you can simply disable the sound from the INI of the program, there are some problem with the inizialitation of some component in some config as i posted in the bug section.
      I'm using Borland Delphi 7.0 for compiling the project.



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