
MonkeyWorld3D v4.0.1 RC1 released

We are proud to announce the release of MonkeyWorld3D game editor v 4.0.1 RC1, this release contains lots of improvments and additions, here is the list of the all of them:

1.Migration to the new jME release which is RC1.

2.Adding physics to the Spatial Editor, now you can add physics nodes, joints, axis and other physics related stuff in the spatial editor, save/load them on the fly, add force, torque ... etc. If you were watching the project from the SVN on the sourceforge, you will notice that we previously had the physics as a separate editor, that was causing us a lot of trouble maintaing the physics editor from the spatial editor, while they shared most of the sections in the editor, so its much much better having them at the same code base in the editor, this will also facilitate loading models that contains physics before, so the spatial editor will act smarter and figure out how to show those meshes, and give you the ability to edit them.

3.Environment editor, which allows you to create terrain and edit it in real time. ( Not so complete ).

4.Particle management: You can add predefined particles like (fire, snow... etc ) or you can create particles and start managing them on the fly, as in the tutorial that we have posted before. Particles are also built into the spatial editor, so adding particles to your model is a breeze, and when you load a model with some particle, then the editor will be able to sort out those particles in the correct way, and give you the ability to manage them as well.

5.More sections to edit the physics attributes, missing states, and controllers, and particles.

6.Better sorting and image icons for the objects that we show on the content outline view. Better icons for particles, controllers, and other stuff. Also physics nodes show different icons to indicate that they are physics related. Notice also from the content outline you can add joints, static and dynamic physics meshes. Joints are rendered in a spacial way, you will see all the joints in the content outline, and select that joint will expose the section for editing it, and allow you to add rotational/translational axis, also you can drag and drop dynamic physics nodes to those joins, and see then attached on the fly.

7.Better delete support from the content outline, you can delete not only spatials, but also controllers particles, states ....

8.Enhanced command support in the editor using eclipse command framework. wooow.

9.Global copy/past, for meshes.

10.Selection and hover highlighting.

11.Splitting the editor into multiple plug ins, so if you are to use some of the code in their you will be more than welcomed, also this gave us more control over the code, plus made it much more cleaner.

12.Better wizards.

13.Code refactoring and enhancements.

14.New sound support for the new sound system from jMe. You can add the sound and manage it from the sound section, still more work is needed their ( we currently don't check for the boundary conditions for the sound so you might get some exceptions ).

15.We made the editor as a feature, so you will be able to update the editor when ever we improve stuff in it.

Posted by Tareq Doufish 2007-09-19

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